The Grizzly Bear Diet! -- Ever hear of a Grizzly bear dying of a heart attack? Grizzly bears give heart attacks!
William,(Bill)”Stripes”, (Will)“Sparky” M.
Guest Lecturer, Tutor, and Staff Corrections Lecturer and Writer at University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine; Mayo Clinic, Alex School of Medicine;
The bulk of the bear’s diet is composed of tubers, berries, roots, grasses, vegetation, and small insects. While bears primarily rely on plants matter they are very adaptable and can consume variety of foods if required. Grizzly bears also eat carrion, fish, and rodents. They’re also known to consume waste products or human food. They have to be adaptable since the food is not available all round the year which is why grizzly bears need to browse their habitats to find their food. Despite the fact that grizzlies belong to the Carnivora order and have the digestive system of carnivores, they are typically omnivores as their diet is composed of plants and animals. Grizzlies are also known to prey large mammals such as sheep, bison, caribou, moose, deer, elk, and black bears. They also eat fish including bass, trout, and salmon and other foods that are rich in protein in coastal regions.