Corvaa Corvaa
???Ferrari | 3.28 God leads the way… Love you most. @mstewartofficial ??????
Rehearsals are going great towards the Melrose Ballroom performance. Very happy with my band and everyone working together for a great opportunity. Excited to be working with Rick Eberle and to continue more performances all over the place. It's definitely dope to know he believes in me and the way I go about creating my art. They don't take on many artists so I earned his trust and his respect. To me that is the best prize of all. It's always about knowing others support and believe over money. Money is just paper to me. Too many people put their focus on the amount of money they make vs the type of person they are. People still try to bully, spread lies, speak as if they know, etc but nothing said really phases a thing I do. I love to do music and it's going to continue with or without people attempting to start nonsense. I just look at it like this we are not in high school anymore and bragging about trying to tear others down is in poor taste. I was not raised to behave that way and I will continue being nice to all as that is what you should be proud of. Showing respect and kindness to all regardless of how they choose to be towards you. A lot of these individuals believe I do not realize who I am speaking to...but I've always known. I just don't care anymore.
(Photo: Rehearsal on Long Island. Trottie: & Gallie: