Problem Statement:
- You are given two strings, ransomNote and magazine.
- A ransom note can be constructed from a magazine if the magazine contains all the letters in the ransom note, including multiplicity.
- Every letter in the magazine string can only be used once in your ransom note.
- Write a function that will return True if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazine and False if it cannot.
Sample Data:
- Input: ransomNote = "aa", magazine = "aab"
- Output: True
Questions to be asked to the interviewer:
- Should I consider case sensitivity? (i.e., are "a" and "A" considered different characters?)
- What should be returned if the ransomNote or magazine string is empty?
- Are there any constraints on the lengths of the ransomNote and magazine strings?
Explain any edge cases for this problem:
- When both the ransomNote and magazine are empty.
- When ransomNote is longer than the magazine, it's impossible to construct the note.
Available Approaches to Solve this Problem:
- Using Counter: Utilize a counter to count the occurrences of characters in the magazine, and then check if the ransom note can be constructed.
- Brute Force: Iterate through the ransom note and for each character, search and replace it in the magazine string.
My Approach to Solve this Problem:
I will use the Counter approach as it is more efficient. By counting the occurrences of characters in the magazine, I can efficiently check if each character in the ransom note can be constructed from the magazine.
from collections import Counter
def canConstruct(ransomNote, magazine):
? ? magazine_counter = Counter(magazine)
? ? for char in ransomNote:
? ? ? ? if magazine_counter[char] == 0:
? ? ? ? ? ? return False
? ? ? ? magazine_counter[char] -= 1
? ? return True
Explain the Solution to a Non-Programmer:
- Imagine you want to create a message by cutting out letters from a magazine.
- You have a specific message in mind (the ransom note) and a page from a magazine with various letters.
- You start by counting how many times each letter appears on the magazine page.
- Then, you go through your desired message letter by letter, checking if that letter is available in the magazine.
- If a letter is available, you "cut it out" by reducing the count of that letter in the magazine.
- If you find a letter in your message that's not available in the magazine, you know you can't create the message.
- If you can find every letter of your message in the magazine, then you can create the message.
- Line 1: Import the Counter class, which helps us count occurrences of elements in a collection.
- Line 3: Define the function canConstruct, taking the ransom note and magazine as parameters.
- Line 4: Use the Counter to count the occurrences of each character in the magazine.
- Line 5-8: Iterate through the ransom note. For each character, if its count in the magazine is zero, return False. If it's available, decrease its count in the magazine.
- Line 9: If we successfully iterate through the ransom note without returning False, it means the note can be constructed, so return True.
Pattern of this Problem:
This problem follows the pattern of utilizing a frequency counter to keep track of the occurrences of characters, enabling us to quickly check if the ransom note can be formed.
Big O Notation:
- Time Complexity: O(m+n)
- O(m+n), where m is the length of the magazine and n is the length of the ransom note. This accounts for the time it takes to count the characters in the magazine and iterate through the ransom note.
- Space Complexity: O(m)
- O(m), m is the length of the magazine
- m is the length of the magazine. We use extra space to store the counts of the characters from the magazine.
Points to Remember to Solve this Problem in the Future:
- Utilize the Counter class for efficient counting of character occurrences.
- Iterate through the ransom note, decrementing the count for each character found, and handle the case when the count becomes zero.
Code Line by Line with Some Sample Data:
- Input: ransomNote = "aa", magazine = "aab"
- Line 4: magazine_counter = {'a': 2, 'b': 1}
- Line 5: For the first 'a' in ransomNote, count is 2 in magazine, so decrement it by 1.
- Line 5: For the second 'a' in ransomNote, count is 1 in magazine, so decrement it by 1.
- Line 9: No character in ransomNote has a count of 0 in magazine, so return True.
Key Syntax Used in this Solution:
- Counter Class for Frequency Counting: Counter(magazine)
- Looping Through Characters in the Ransom Note: for char in ransomNote
- Checking and Decrementing the Count of a Character: if magazine_counter[char] == 0 and magazine_counter[char] -= 1
Understanding these key syntax points, the pattern of frequency counting, and handling the zero count case will help in solving similar problems in the future.