Severe grieving the lost of your loved one can hurt their soul.
Dr.Steve Ramsey, PhD MSc-(hon) in Med Ultrasound.RMSKS.
ACMDTT,RMSKS,ARDMS,CRGS,CRVS; Experienced , MSK, peads, small part, and vascular sonographer, Blogger. SPI and MSK online instructor . Καθηγητ?? Α’ βαθμ?δα? at Ιατρικ? Σχολ? - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki .
When My cat Smokey passed away one week after his operation, I grieved him so much that I could work for few days, I carried his body in a plastic vacuum bag and put him in a small unused freezer in the basement because he died on December 26th 2020 and it was a cold winter. I couldn't dig the ground to burry him. I used to go to the basement and open the freezer and pray for him and look at his body inside the vacuum bag.
Tow days after his death I felt his spirit in the house his shadow moving around at the same way he used to, jumping on the bed beside me and leaving a mark, and when he leaves he gave his amazing burring and soft meow, it was as he was just beside me a life, he was telling me to not cry 'I am still here'. Since that time I never cried for him and always pray for him he did that for 2 nights and after I let it go in my heart he as no longer with me physically, but his memories lives in my heart and soul for ever.
I still pray for his soul in my car every day, where he passed away .
When someone really close to us dies, someone to whom we were strongly emotionally connected and to whom our whole life was connected, we may feel as if we had suddenly run out of air and the ground collapsed beneath our feet.
It does not much matter whether the death was sudden or was preceded by a long illness. One might think that when death is preceded by a long illness, there is more time to prepare for it in at least a minimal way. This is not true. When death happens, it strikes us like a lightning bolt.
Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, like I am, or the loss of a job, a home, or a beloved pet, it’s important to understand how the process puts your health in jeopardy. It can also hurt the soul if we grieve so much that we start effecting our health and focus, and that not what your loved one wants.
Grieving takes a toll on the body in the form of stress. That affects the whole body and all organ systems, and especially the immune system, Evidence suggests that immune cell function falls and inflammatory responses rise in people who are grieving. That may be why people often get sick more often and use more health care resources during this period.
I am preparing my self for my other 2 cats, and I know it will not be easy, but I have to let them go when that happened , as it is not fair for thier soul too.
Sometimes death comes suddenly, without warning. Then we are stunned, as if we had been thrown into an alternative reality that paralyzes us. Some people despair to such an extent that everyone around them experiences their suffering.
Others may remain unmoved, seeming as if they don't care, and showing no outward emotion. Still others will blame or curse the world and God. And while there are many ways to grieve, there is one thing they all have in common the great pain that mourners experience.
Any death is a great shock, but the death of beloved young people is an even greater tragedy. Often the whole family suffers. Everyone does try to be sympathetic, reassuring, and comforting. It is good to have support at a difficult moment. Many couples end up divorcing after the death of thier child.
Support should be provided as often and as effectively as possible. Everyone needs to experience grief as strongly and for as long as they want and need to. That is the best way to both recover mentally oneself, and to say goodbye to your loved one. However, it is important to remember that you need to say goodbye as soon as possible so that your beloved soul can pass to the other side.
Please know that after passing to the Light your beloved soul will always love you and remember you, and when you die will be there waiting and welcoming you. Often, however, we do not want to remember this at the time of their death. Our thoughts are solely occupied with a sense of loss.
?the brain is good at solving problems. In fact, the brain exists for precisely this function. After decades of research, I realized that the brain devotes lots of effort to mapping where our loved ones are while they are alive, so that we can find them when we need them.
And the brain often prefers habits and predictions over new information. But it struggles to learn new information that cannot be ignored, like the absence of our loved one. Grieving requires the difficult task of throwing out the map we have used to navigate our lives together with our loved one and transforming our relationship with this person who has died.
Grieving, or learning to live a meaningful life without our loved one, is ultimately a type of learning. Because learning is something we do our whole lives, seeing grieving as a type of learning may make it feel more familiar and understandable and give us the patience to allow this remarkable process to unfold.
We do not consider how much damage we are doing to ourselves and to our beloved departing soul. We feel that we want to keep the departed soul with us as long as possible, at all costs. This is a very selfish approach that sooner or later will rebound against
Every soul is given a proper time to leave. It is in our genetic code in each chromosome and genes they have all the details of our life and death. If we do not let the soul go, this time passes and it is no longer able to leave on its own.
When we have come to terms with the loss, we become more willing to say goodbye, but at this point the soul can no longer leave, because the allotted time has already ended. As I said before that we have a small window for that soul to depart from few hours to about 40 days. Some souls averages 7days maximum.
How should two loving people part? Should one not mourn at all? As I have already written, we should mourn in the way that best suits us, but at the same time in such a way as to not disturb the peace of the departed soul. Let the soul know that we love them very much, that we already miss them at this moment, but precisely because we love them so much, we must let go.
Someone who has allowed his heart to be clenched by despair, grief, and greedy person, full with bitterness . he/she are a burden to those around him. Such a person is afraid of everything old age, illness, deprivation. It is worth thinking about this often while you are still together in this lifetime, as there is time for everything, and when death come it is his time.
If we impede a soul whose primary goal is to pass to the Light, this will have many negative consequences both for us and for the departing soul. Such a spirit will suffer torment because it will have to be near the physical world in a realm full of strong negative emotions that will cause the spirit great suffering.
This will in turn impact us, because in a close relationship such as that between a spirit and a human being, we always participate in the emotions of the other party. We will therefore be bombarded with strong emotions such as anger, hatred, or fear.
This will attract negative people, difficult situations including financial problems, and often physical illnesses too. A living person's problems will worsen when the spirit stays with them permanently, which is when the living person becomes permanently possessed, and this problem is world wide, no one notice because most of the people thinks that this is mambo jumbo even when great psychologist can not help them .
Now stop it, be focus , go back to work and be happy.
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