Grief Management: How To Support An Employee Who Is Coping With Grief
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Grief Management: How To Support An Employee Who Is Coping With Grief

There is abundant advice on managing employees, helping them thrive in their jobs and keeping them happy, so much that we might mistakenly believe that we’re equipped to constructively handle every situation. When my younger brother died unexpectedly, everything that I had previously assumed about grieving co-workers proved to be mistaken. As colleagues rushed to console me, one of my strangely prominent thoughts in the midst of deep shock was, “I’ve been a lousy support to others when someone close to them died.” My team members mostly considered me a good manager who cared about them as people first. Yet despite my good intentions, I had not understood what would really help someone coping with the death of a loved one.

The better we’re able to tend to the needs of the human beings who work on our teams, the more likely we are to net great business results—or, conversely, incur greater costs. Our actions not only help those in need, but also show the entire team what we’re willing to do for others. When we approach those who are bereaved with the sincere intention of reducing the burden on them, we simultaneously reduce costs to the business.

About 60% of companies provide bereavement leave, but most allowances are woefully inadequate, ranging from two to four days. U.S. companies incur an estimated $75 billion in grief-related costs annually. Compensating for an employee who’s missing work is a legitimate concern, but pushing a person who is temporarily unable to respond is counterproductive.

Here are five common assumptions we make about dealing with grief at work. While these assumptions may sometimes reflect reality, they are frequently, perhaps for the majority of individuals, off base. Managers have unique authority and opportunity to address these on a case-by-case basis in a way that will benefit their employees and contribute to a humane and productive business culture.

Assumption 1: Work is always a good distraction. This is true for some, but others find it hard to be at work or can only cope with the office environment for a few hours at a time. I was 28 when my father died and I found the structure of work very helpful. But when my brother died three years ago, I needed to contain my work projects and craft greater personal space to process my complex emotions. In all things grief, and when it comes to work, remember that one size doesn’t fit all—even for the same person when dealing with different losses.

Ask your employee about their preference. For example, if you have the ability to provide these options, you could ask, “Is it better for you to work from home or at the office? Are there specific types of projects that you’d like to take on or take off your plate at the moment?”

They might not immediately know how to proceed—allow them to experiment if possible. They typically have two concerns: their capacity to be effective and the financial burden of taking additional time off.

Easily delegated tasks can be shared among willing team members, and managers can advocate for better bereavement practices, even if they can’t implement them on their own authority. Recently, Facebook and Mastercard increased bereavement leave to up to 20 days. At Turning Point Community Programs, a non-profit organization, colleagues collectively donate from their time off allocations. Turning Point sometimes helps the employee move to medical leave if more time is needed.

Assumption 2: It’s best not to talk about the death or the deceased or you’ll upset them. I returned to work after taking care of my father’s affairs in India to find one co-worker had left a card in my office. For the rest of the day no one mentioned anything to me. I’m sure they thought I needed space and privacy. But what I needed more was to be seen—for people to acknowledge that I had experienced a significant loss. Not all employees will know how to express what they want—complete privacy, open acknowledgment, or a nuanced response somewhere in between. As a manager, ask them to share their preferences if they’re willing, and make those preferences known to others on the team. Also, connect several times a week with an employee, even if simply to indicate, “I don’t know what to say at the moment other than I’m thinking of you.”

Assumption 3: They need all the help we can muster—right away. Death is overwhelming. Someone might need lots of help, especially with the immediate logistics. But making decisions and fielding multiple requests are wearying at best. Appoint yourself or another single point of contact on your team to interface with your bereaved employee.

One group I’m aware of placed a cooler on their co-worker’s doorstep (after checking with them) and a team member dropped off a meal every Saturday. This provided the family with a dependable supply of meals over a period of time (rather than an avalanche of food at first that spoiled in the fridge), a one-step way to manage logistics, and a tiny bit of predictability in the midst of death-disrupted life. The effort for each colleague was manageable and the duration of support extended.

Assumption 4: They’ll progressively feel better each day and finish grieving in a timely way, certainly by year one. Our dialogue about death has been framed by psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We often misinterpret this to indicate linear and constant progress from one stage of grief to the next, even though Kubler-Ross herself clarified that the model wasn’t linear and applied to the dying rather than those left behind. It’s important for managers to recognize that grief and trauma—or even delayed trauma—can be unpredictable and oscillate between phases. For example, an employee might unexpectedly need time to recover from a crying spell because a comment in a meeting triggered a memory. Let them know it’s important for them to take a break—even if it’s to step out of the room for a little while.

While the initial trauma of the death is an intense period, the weeks or even months leading up to birthdays or the death anniversary can be as well. Residual grief can manifest itself in unexpected ways for years. A frequent comment that I didn’t find helpful was, “Are you feeling better now?” Despite the hopeful expectation it expresses, progressing through loss is not a life achievement to complete. When we have children, we go through an initially intense period as our lives and sleep patterns are disrupted. But we remain parents for the rest of our lives and continue to reach major milestones as the years advance. Death can be similar. As a manager, plan for possible employee down time, especially as anniversaries near.

Assumption 5: It’s not major; they didn’t lose a close relative. We can’t judge which losses are most acutely felt. You might mourn deeply even for someone not part of your nuclear family. I lost a close friend three years ago and still experience pangs of loss, especially during long drives when we most often talked. Take your cue from your employee on the degree of sorrow and therefore on the accommodation and space they need.

As workers, we’re hired to produce results. As human beings, we come bundled with the challenges of navigating life’s complexities, which demand time and energy. The more we can empathize with and support our employees, the greater will be their capacity to deliver quality impact as they work through life’s joys—and sorrows.

This article first appeared in Forbes in January 2020.

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Ellia Harris

?Creative Leadership Coach?I help newly minted leaders improve their management abilities and use advanced creative thinking skills with their team.

4 年

Too true. It's hard for some managers to show empathy, perhaps because they are afraid they'll also feel these feelings (which is only natural). It's just possible that, with the level of underlying grief we are currently feeling (loss of freedom, inability to hug, F2F meetings) that we will after all develop a level of empathy that supports others without us also "catching" those feelings to the point of seeming too vulnerable.

Samantha Pickering

Transformational Technology | Technology Planning | Technology for Education | Women in Tech | I met a girl who sang the blues, and I asked her for some happy news ??

4 年

This is something good to read about, Thank you for sharing Sabina!


