Grids Are Key to the Transition: A Look at Their History
Evolution of US power grids in the XXth century

Grids Are Key to the Transition: A Look at Their History

?? Grids are key in the energy transition.

“A central element in accelerating decarbonisation will be unlocking the potential of clean energy through a collective EU focus on grids” (#DraghiReport).

“Interconnection is vital for European energy security, decarbonisation and cost reduction” (last week’s paper from Bruegel - Improving economic policy ).

The Economist cover page in April 2023. Shows a person hugging an electricity grid pylon
The Economist (2023)

Let us take a brief look at how we got here.

The electricity grid as we know it today evolved from an aggregation of hundreds of local/regional mini-grids over decades. These started in areas where generation and consumption aligned (technically and economically). However, moving electricity over longer distances was constrained until the widespread adoption of AC (alternating current) and the invention of the transformer.

Graph with four maps showing the evolution of the electricity system in the USA during the XXth century

This enabled the eventual interconnection of these mini-grids into large, integrated areas while technological improvements allowed for larger, more powerful devices and economies of scale drove down costs and prices.

Map of US electricity transmission lines in 1908
Map of US electricity transmission lines in 1949

If you want a longer, beautifully researched and fascinating piece on how the power grid evolved in the US, check this out: The Birth of the Grid.

At a time when more and more attention is (rightly) being devoted to enhancing our energy networks, I thought it was worthwhile to take a quick look back at history.

You may see it differently—opinions always welcome!

Also, anyone knows a piece explaining how grids evolved in Europe or other regions, hopefully as good as the one by Brian Potter?

?? References: Brian Potter (2023) “The Birth of the Grid” and “The Grid, Part II: The Golden Age of the Power Industry”; The Economist (2023); Heussaff, C. and G. Zachmann (2025) ‘Upgrading Europe’s electricity grid is about more than just money’, Policy Brief 04/2025, Bruegel; Draghi Report (2024) “The future of European competitiveness”

#Energy #Grids #Networks #Economics #Engineering #History

??About: "Visual Energy Transition" newsletter offers an image-driven perspective on the energy transition and related issues: concise, insightful, quality-driven and respectful of sources. Different views all welcome. Usual disclaimers apply (personal views, not employers' or clients'; informational purpose, no accuracy/completeness/reliability guarantee; no responsibility/liability)


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