Grid Node, AdjustBBox Node & Crop Node
Grid Node, AdjustBBox Node & Crop?Node
Grid Node
This node creates a grid of horizontal and vertical lines on top of the input image.
output: rgba
The grid is only applied to these channels.
You can use the checkboxes on the right to select the individual channels to output.
premult none
These channels are set to black outside the grid shape
clip type format
Sets how to restrict the output image:
? no clip — use the entire image.
? bbox — restrict the output image to the incoming bounding box.
? format — restrict the output image to the incoming format area.
? unionbboxandformat — restrict the output image to a combination of the incoming bounding box and format area.
replace disabled
When enabled, existing channels are cleared to black before drawing into them. You might find replace useful, for instance, if you’re creating a mask in the alpha channel, but the incoming image already has an alpha channel which you want to throw away.
invert disabled
When enabled, inverts the grid (that is, fills in the holes in the grid and leaves holes for the lines).
inject disabled
Copies the mask input to the predefined mask.a channel. Injecting the mask allows you to use the same mask further downstream.
Using the option Mask with Grid Node
The image on which the grid is superimposed.
An optional image to use as a mask. By default, the grid is limited to the non-black areas of the mask.
At first, the mask input appears as triangle on the right side of the node, but when you drag it, it turns into an arrow labeled mask. If you cannot see the mask input, ensure that the mask control is disabled or set to none.
opacity: 1
Adjusts the grid opacity on a sliding scale, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is completely opaque.
mask N/A disabled
Enables the associated mask channel to the right. Disabling this checkbox is the same as setting the channel to none.
mask Channel Input none
The channel to use as a mask. By default, the grid is limited to the non-black areas of this channel.
Ramp: none
Selects whether to create a color gradient across the grid:
? none — don’t create a color gradient.
? linear — the ramp changes linearly from one color into another.
? smooth0 — the ramp color gradually eases into the point 0 end. This means colors in the point 0 end are spread wider than colors in the point 1 end.
? smooth1 — the ramp color eases into the point 1 end. This means colors in the point 1 end are spread wider than at the point 0 end.
Color 1
Sets a color for the grid.
If ramp is set to anything other than none, this is the color for the ramp at the point 1 end (by default, the top end).
point 1
100, 400
Sets the position of point 1. This allows you to adjust the spread and angle of the ramp.
This control is only available if ramp is set to anything other than none.
color 0
Sets the color for the ramp at the point 0 end (by default, the bottom end).
This control is only available if ramp is set to anything other than none.
point 0
100, 100
Sets the position of point 0. This allows you to adjust the spread and angle of the ramp.
This control is only available if ramp is set to anything other than none.
AdjustBBox Node
The AdjustBBox node lets you expand or crop the edges of the bounding box by a specified number of pixels. The bounding box defines the area of the frame that Nuke sees as having valid image data. For example, if you have an image with lots of black (0,0,0,0), you can adjust the bounding box to contain just the useful area so that Nuke won’t waste time computing results where there is no change.
AdjBBox Add Pixels Numpixels 25
Adjust the width and height of the input image’s bounding box by adding or removing pixels. Click the 2 button to display separate fields for width (w) and height (h).
If you crop the bounding box, the edge pixels of the bounding box area get replicated towards the edges of the image.
Resizing the Bounding?Box
The AdjBBox node lets you expand or crop the edges of the bounding box by a specified number of pixels.
An expanded bounding box.A cropped bounding box.
For example, if you have an image with lots of black (0,0,0,0), you can adjust the bounding box to contain just the useful area so that Nuke won’t waste time computing results where there is no change.
To Resize the Bounding?Box
Nuke expands or crops the edges of the bounding box. If the bounding box is cropped, whatever is outside the bounding box area gets replicated towards the edges of the image.
box x, y, r, t (or x, y, w, h)
The area of the input image you want to keep. Anything outside this box is cropped.
You can adjust the following:
? x — the distance (in pixels) between the left edge of the original image and the left side of the crop box.
? y — the distance (in pixels) between the bottom edge of the original image and the bottom edge of the crop box.
? r — the distance (in pixels) between the left edge of the original image and the right side of the crop box.
? t — the distance (in pixels) between the bottom edge of the original image and the top edge of the crop box.
? w — the width of the crop box. This is only available if you click the wh button.
? h — the height of the crop box. This is only available if you click the wh button.
You can also adjust the crop box in the Viewer by dragging its edges.
softness 0
Allows you to to vignette the edges of the cropped portion. The larger the value, the more of the area around the edges is faded to black.
A value of 0 produces no vignetting.
Reformat disabled
When enabled, the image output format is changed to match the cropped image.
When disabled, the original image output format is used.
Intersect disabled
When enabled, the output bounding box is an intersection of the crop bounding box and the incoming bounding box.
When disabled, the output bounding box matches the crop bounding box and can extend outside the incoming bounding box.
Black outside
crop enabled
This renders as black pixels outside the image boundary, making it easier to layer the element over another. If you uncheck this control, the outside area is filled with the outermost pixels of the image sequence.
In most cases, you should keep black outside checked. However, you may want to turn this off for camera shake, or if you want to texture-map or intersect the output with a similar shape.
Note: Enabling black outside also adds a solid alpha covering the input image area if no alpha is present.
Cropping Elements
To crop a frame is to cut out the unwanted portions of the image area.
The original image.Cropping the image.
To Crop?Elements
1. Click Transform > Crop to insert a Crop node at an appropriate place in your script.2. Connect a Viewer to the output of the Crop node so you can see the effect of your changes.3. Define the crop boundaries:
? In the Viewer, drag on any side of the frame to reposition it.
? Or, in the Crop properties panel, increment or decrement the box field (x stands for left side, y for bottom side, r for right side, and t for top side).
4. To fill the cropped portion with black, check black outside. To fill the cropped portion by expanding the edges of the image, uncheck black outside. To adjust the image output format to match the cropped image, check reformat.5. If you wish to vignette the edges of the cropped portion, increment the softness field.
About the Author:
“You can Google me as HYWIN ARTZ.; It's easy to find me. :).”
I am a freelancer, I Provide Services - Matte painting / Digital Collage Art / Graphic & Logo Designing / Illustration / 2D Animation / Vfx (Compositing) / Photo, Video & Audio Editing.
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