Greyp Dialog Box
We sat down with Goran Krajnovic aka Zed, our Prototype and Testing Lead Technician, and Dinko Morovic aka Dinko, our Mechanical Engineer to talk about something completely different and yet, so Greyp-y: ROBOTS! ?
Today Zed and Dinko will be competing at the FightBotics event organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at @SKUC PAUK / Student Home Stjepan Radi?! In a nutshell: ROBOT FIGHTS!!!
Describe yourself in a hashtag.
ZED: #impossible
DINKO: ?- decided he was too cool to be a hashtag –
What is going on with this robot? What can it do? What can it not do?
ZED: It cannot make coffee. It will be fixed in V2_final_final_majkemifinal.
DINKO: It can put a smile on people's faces.
Can you use the robot for work?
ZED: It can bring you a cup of coffee or two. And if you’re not scared, you can use it for work, sure.
DINKO: Yes, we can! I can also use it to hide Zed’s favorite tools.
What are you expecting to happen at the competition?
ZED: We expect nothing. However, world domination would be nice.
DINKO: Lots of destruction.
And now, some work questions: so, are all of you bikers?
ZED: Not as active as before, but I still like the name.
DINKO: was a biker.
Other than building killer robots, what are some other things you are into that are not work-related?
ZED: Tough question! Lots of stuff, mainly FPV drones/sim racing/RC drifting/other similar shenanigans.
DINKO: nothing as cool.
How did you end up at Greyp? And why did you choose to apply?
ZED: When I applied, Greyp almost didn’t exist (it was part of Rimac Automobili). I just wanted to do what I love and ended up here. 2 wheels > 4.
DINKO: Nobody else wanted me.
(authors note: we believed in you all the way Dinko!)
What are your teammates like? What is it like to work with them?
ZED: Look at the first question hashtag! Just kidding, they are incredible!
DINKO: We make killer robots.
Do you work with other teams/ departments?
ZED: Of course, with every single one. That’s my job!
DINKO: When they make me to.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve had so far working at Greyp?
ZED: Not punching Dinko in the face when he broke in my 3D printing room. ??
DINKO: Not working on a robot.
What are three things you can’t work without?
ZED: Greyp team, open mind and smiles. Lots of smiles...even if it means punching your colleague in the nuts.
DINKO: Mouse, keyboard, ?ubler*.
* for those who don’t know, a ?ubler is a caliper
Name another department that seems like it would be fun to work in and tell me why?
ZED: Prototyping is the best. ??
DINKO: Proto workshop so I can print something.
What’s your worst bug?
ZED: I get extremely lazy when I get a pointless task. Good thing is that I give it all when something makes sense.
DINKO: administration.
Were there any moments when you’re working that make you think “wow, I love my job/field so much!”
ZED: When I got a bunch of old equipment to destroy for testing purposes ??
DINKO: when we blow out stuff.
What is the best advice someone has given you?
ZED: “Please put on your safety goggles.”
DINKO: Never go full retard.
In the end, your public invitation for tomorrow?
ZED: You don’t wanna miss it. Fightbotics isn’t reserved just for robolovers. You just have to like to have fun! See you at 5PM @SKUC PAUK / Student Home Stjepan Radi?!
DINKO: Fightbotics will literally blow your mind!
Surveyor and Reverse engineer / Lead of 3D scanning and 3D printing Department at Infodata
2 年Zadnji put kad Petar pitao: "Tata, mo?e? me slikati s njim da poka?em prijateljima!" je bilo kad je Hrvatska osvojila 2. mjesto na svjetskom prvenstvu, pa je trebalo 3d skenirati cijelu reprezentaciju uklju?uju?i Modri?a. Nije dobio zajedni?ku fotku, ali jest potpis od Modri?a i Rakiti?a. Evo, trebalo pro?i 4 godine i opet isto pitanje: "Tata, mo?e? me slikati s njim da poka?em prijateljima!" Em dobio zajedni?ku fotku, em ekipa za koju je navijao osvojila 1. mjesto! ?ek, ?ek, ?ek, s kim si se htio slikati? Sa Zedom ili Penetratorom??? FightBotic samo vodite klince! Izvrsno ?e se zabaviti i dobiti lude ideje! Sutra je vozio auti?a na daljinski na koji je montirao grablje, zalijepio izolir trakom pile?e kosti i naganjao ma?ke po dvori?tu. Brzo su ga razmontirale!??
Telecoms Product & Systems Delivery and Transformation Expert at Deutsche Telekom
2 年Bravo imenja?e :)
User Experience Designer at Greyp Bikes
2 年Kakvi asevi! Dinko, ljubim te u ?elo!