"The Greybeards"

"The Greybeards"

Former Navy SEAL, Rorke Denver speaks of "The Greybeards."

In the SEAL teams, these are the older, salty NCO's (non-commissioned officers)... the guys that help the new guys (FNG's - I'll let you figure out what that means) figure out what's what by their experience.

It turns out that I'm in the stage of life that I'm now a greybeard, and one of the most fulfilling things I do is to mentor young men.

There are a handful of young guys that I now mentor and it's one of the great joys of my life. Experience leaves pathways, and they're often the same ones that these guys are just stepping onto for the first time.

I'm sharing this to encourage you; If you're in a similar place in your journey, young men and women are hungry for what you've learned. Step into the opportunity and don't worry about perfection. Just be there, fully present and listen and watch what happens.

We live in a culture that worships youth, yet in my experience, youth craves genuine, honest connection with experience and wisdom.

Ironic, right? (Cue "The Circle of Life" music).


