Grey Wealth Partners' Newsletter 07/19/24
Chris Grey
Senior Portfolio Manager & Wealth Advisor I Grey Wealth Partners of RBC Dominion Securities | Safeguarding your wealth with a hands-on, family-first approach
We are pleased to share RBC Wealth Management's latest investment newsletter.
?Team News??
?We hope everyone is managing to stay cool in this summer heat!
?As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with relevant information on estate planning, healthy aging and wealth insights, please watch:
?New Matters Beyond Wealth Podcast:? Will the changes to the capital gains inclusion rate affect me?
Market News
?Inside the S&P 500: Time to pass the baton?
While mega-cap tech stocks have dominated U.S. equity performance so far this year, recently the rest of the market has been trying to take the baton. We discuss the main factors needed to make a clean handoff.
?Regional developments: Economic data reinforces the case for a Bank of Canada (BoC) rate cut in July; U.S. retail sales jump despite more signs of cooling in the labor market; European Central Bank deposit rate unchanged; The yen rebounded against the dollar
?Please take some time to review the Global Insight Weekly.
?Feel free to contact us with any questions and/or to discuss investment ideas.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to continuing to help you accomplish your long-term financial goals.
Grey Wealth Partners,
Chris, Bruce, Lyndell, Wendy, Laurel, Stacy, Marnie & James
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
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