Greetings from the Eastern Shore!
New Website
??I’ve finally gotten around to redesigning my website. It had become outdated and only partially functional. After exploring a couple of low-cost solutions, I bit the bullet, so to speak, and hired a real professional designer. He runs a company called Marketania. I found some images more in tune with writing thriller material, and Mustafa put the rest together. You can see the results at?
Free Book??
??I’m working on a free book to give away to new readers in exchange for their email addresses so I can connect via my occasional blog posts. The working title is "Training Camp". If you’re already a part of my reader list, you can also get the free book. Don’t worry; my email system won’t send duplicate emails to the same address.
??The giveaway book will chronicle Dan’s experience at Camp Perry, the CIA training center near Williamsburg, Virginia. He comes to the instruction with more real-world experience with violent people, making for some unusual episodes during his training.
Audio Books
??“Scorpion” is finally finished. It took a long time, but the finished product is excellent. As I mentioned before, if you or anyone you know wants a code to get the audiobook free, let me know. I can get a limited number of codes from Audible to give away. It helps in generating short reviews for the book. Please note that I had some trouble with my return emails recently, so if you requested a code and didn't receive one, just send your request again. Thanks!
??The narrator I chose for my latest book, “Rogue Mission”, has bowed out. He can’t get the alternate voices down. The cast includes a Chinese spymaster, Rashid (always somewhere creating trouble), multiple mid-eastern terrorists, and a Hungarian. My books always have a wide variety of characters from all over the world. Some narrators just don’t have the versatility for such stories.
??My search goes on while I continue with Dan’s latest adventure titled “The Revenger”. More about that as the novel progresses.
??Stay well, and enjoy your summer!