Greetings into 2017 and let’s sort out your merchant account needs.
Bob Lock - High Risk Merchant Accounts BPO CUP China
COO at Paylockglobal Merchant Accounts High Risk BPO Access to 15,000+ connections on Linkedin.
2017 is going to be a great one to watch. Trump and Brexit are just the first two additives of what we are predicting at Paylock Global to be a very heady cocktail of a year. However, not to be distracted, we have started the New Year with a bang providing merchant accounts for High Risk merchants. It’s what we do and we are going strong. Perfect industry examples are:
Tech support
and a whole host of other merchant types with solutions that are stable and have very generous rates.
Plus we are not just limited to credit cards. We have a compendium of other solutions to what you may have been told are not possible. Contact me here and I will respond. Eager to listen, help and solve.
2017 is going to be a great ride.
Happy New Year - Bob Lock.