Greet Me, Yes; Touch Me, Not
namaste:; aadaab:; wai:; saikeirei & wushu:; sorida:

Greet Me, Yes; Touch Me, Not

2023 is the year in future, in which, the movie ‘Demolition Man’, released in 1993 is set. The wrongly convicted and cryogenically frozen cop of 1996, John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) is reanimated to tackle a serious law and order problem. The World, obviously, has completely changed and he is working closely with Lenina Huxley (Sandra Bullock), a cop of the present times. As the physical touch & ‘fluid transfer’ is illegal to avoid disease, pregnancy etc., for having sex, Lenina puts a Virtual Reality headgear on her own and John’s head. They don’t touch each other, sit separately at a distance and close their eyes to visualize the sex. Yes, it was as odd as it can get and John’s repulsive reaction and funny exchanges tell it all.

Today, our World is facing the grave epidemic of Covid-19 coronavirus. In no time, it has spread far and wide. It indeed is a global crisis. All the nations and governments are doing their utmost to contain this virus and find medical solutions at the earliest. We, every single citizen in the world too have a responsibility to follow the guidelines, ensure the hygiene and avoid touch/contact where it is strictly to be avoided. ‘Touch’ control is so critical that not only how we touch others, even how we touch ourselves, requires carefulness and restraint. 

By depicting the Demolition Man story and sex scene, am not trying to trivialize or, mock things, am only bringing attention to one aspect of our daily life, greeting each other. Yes, greetings are everyday natural behaviors and are important as, they signify respect, love, affection, gratitude, wishes….. For centuries, hugs, handshakes, even nose-touch have been there and for the right reasons because touch is magical but extra ordinary times require extraordinary response.

While No-Touch-Sex may be the most-weird way to imagine the future, No-Touch-Greetings can definitely be thought of, in today’s scenario. Across the globe, we have many No-Touch-Greeting practices, some going back even 3000 years, presenting six of them for your consideration -


Namah means bow, as means me, and te means you. Therefore, namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you” but the deeper meaning is that “I bow to you and, also to the Divinity within you”. A deep form of respect where hands are brought together at the center of your body to invoke divine love for the person being greeted. Practices from many thousand years, namaste represents the very best of the respectful and spiritual connect between two individuals.

WAI (Thailand)

It is similar to namaste and the Thailand version includes the bow and is called a “wai.” It involves placing both of the hands together as if in a prayer position and holding them at chest level. The higher the hand position is on your body, the more respectful the gesture is to the recipient. The hand position is then accompanied by a slight bow to top it off.

AADAAB / SALAAM (India, Pakistan)

Aadaab is an expression of etiquette and politeness while greeting one another. Derived from the word, “Adab’ which means respect. The gesture involves raising the right hand towards the face with palm inwards such that it is in front of the eyes and the fingertips are almost touching the forehead, as the upper torso is bent forward. It is one of the most courteous way to greet. An even more respectful version was practiced earlier where the palm is brought to the head 3 to 5 times while continue being bent. Salaam is similar but you do not bend.


Saikeirei is the Japanese way of bowing to one another as a greeting, a parting gesture, a way of expressing humility, respect or, gratitude or, even an apology. It can be a small head nod or, a higher sign of respect to use a deep, longer bow, bending at the waist. Japanese often bow to each other and also those from outside, every time they meet during the same day. Not just the body gesture, even the expressions in the eyes are very respectful and humble while doing saikeiri.


Fist and palm salute, an etiquette, practiced in China for more than 3000 years. The right hand is half-fisted and put in left hand palm in front of the chest and bow watching each other in the eyes. Bao Quan li is slightly different and is ‘hold fist salute’ which means holding a fist in the other hand. The right hand is made a fist, the left hand is to hold or cover it. Though such way to greet, evolved in martial arts, it got adopted in general life too.

SORIDA / HAND CLAP (Zimbabwe, Mozambique)

A greeting in Zimbabwe involves hand clapping. Men clap hello and goodbye with their flat hands while women traditionally cup their hands. A few quick claps can also mean “thank you”. There’s something kind of nice about applause as part of a hello, isn’t there? In Zimbabwe, the clapping of hands comes after folks shake in a call and answer style—the first person claps once, and the second person twice, in response. Sorida is played as a hand clapping game.

One can see, no touch greeting is so very possible through Namaste, Aadaab, Salaam, Wai, Saikeirei, Wushu, BaoQuanLi and Sorida. Am sure, there will be many more ways for no-touch-greeting which exists in the world and now, may be even new ones will be created.  

John Muir, the famous 19th century mountaineer, naturalist and author said so beautifully, “How glorious a greeting the Sun gives the Mountains”.

Its true, when we meet, connecting is important for us, but we need not touch for the same. So, “Greet Me, Yes; Touch Me, Not”.


#letsbeatcovid19 #wewillbeatcovid19 #letsbeatcoronavirus #wewillbeatcoronavirus #notouchgreeting #covid19 #coronavirus

Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal.

Ref: Namaste-; Wai- Wikipedia; Aadaab- Wikipedia; Saikeirei-; Wushu/BaoQuanLi-; Sorida/HandClap-

Rajendra Dani

Medical devices distributors ,Growing through global business development,tying with global medical companies

4 年

Awesome ??

