Greenwashing is bad …… mostly.
We all hear about this “insane” greenwashing which is happening and with that unfortunately, for some who generalize easily question the entire push to report on Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. For the ones interested in a laugh just have a look at John Oliver giving his perspective on a number of “Carbon Offset” principles.
To be able to publish GHG emission reductions you first need to baseline your current footprint, which is already a rather complex and large task. You than need to create a GHG emission calculating and registration framework, ideally not just in Excel but in an integrated and automated way. Finally, you need to come-up with an improvement plan, whereas your framework would measure the benefits and outcomes of taken actions, this all fact (science) based.
Implementing such framework is not an easy thing to do, arguably even harder than measuring “Profit and Loss” for financials, whereas this is already done for ages. And if some companies in 2022 still struggle implementing an ERP solution, what do we expect from something which is by far more complex and with nearly no “off the shelve” solutions on hand?
As with all large undertakings and projects (which also cost considerable resources) you want to “from the get-go” show immediate results, assuring the project will keep enough attention and with that buy-in from the sponsors to be continued. It therefore is not strange that the initial Initiatives which are calculated in some events don’t add too much to the bottom line for GHG emission reductions, since they are not really “new”.
But before we all become “sinical be default” about things we read on GHG emission reduction initiatives, let’s all understand and agree that we need to START somewhere. Unless we start NOW, we may be just too late and at a point of no return.
In Netlife we’re not resolving the GHG emission problem, but help Telecom Operators to identify, understand and with that possibly improve their Scope 3 Up- and Downstream emissions (as a reference, for Apple, their scope 3 emissions account 99% of their total footprint).
Contact us to just see how we together can make our world a better place by collaboratively take action.