Greenhouse gasses, the hypothesis...
Global Warming
Green House Gasses (GHG) cause Global warming is a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is:
It is a supposition, or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence, as a starting point for limited investigation.
Further investigation revealed the following, with rather fascinating results. In an article “Science has spoken: Global warming is a myth (by A.B. Robinson and Z. W. Robinson) the paper was published in 1997.
The paper indicates the influence of solar activity on increasing global temperatures. This is where it does become fascinating, in that the sun polarity flips approximately every 11 years. As it flips there is more solar activity, in the form of sunspots. ?Sunspots, is when the sun radiated more actively.
In general, the changes in global surface temperature followed changes in solar activity. This proved solar activity influenced climate. In the last few decades (from the year 2000) though, solar activity has remained constant (more or less), while there is still an increase in global temperatures.
“This is a strong argument in favour of anthropogenic influence.” (Had to look up this word, I had to incorporate this sentence into the article, it just sounded so good)
An article published in 2006, called “solar activity and global warming revisited” by K. Georgieva, B. Kirov, publication in the Sun and Geosphere volume 1, no. 1. The option that the sun could be causing the atmosphere to heat up was again investigated. The paper was based on the fact, that the solar index most commonly used is the sunspot index. Sunspots reflect only solar activity from closed magnetic regions. The paper indicates that “it appears” in the last decade, the impact of coronal holes had increased, which can be explained by the increasing tilt of the heliospheric (the suns magnetic field) current sheet. This increasing tilt means earth encounters two high speed streams from corona holes per solar rotation, which can result in higher geomagnetic activity and geomagnetic storms.
We know that geomagnetic storms result in voltage disruptions (Eskom has an excuse), a change in soil voltage, disruption of cellular communication network and will increase levels of exposure to radiation. Geostorm’s also result in a decline in the earth's magnetic field and increased energy to the upper atmosphere, which expands and heats up. This in turn can result in increased global warming temperatures.
If the influence of coronal holes is considered, the graph on global heating versus (all) suns activity again closely correspond. Furthermore, with earths decreasing magnetic field, galactic cosmic rays travelling close to the speed of light are able to enter the earth's atmosphere. These galactic cosmic rays have a tremendous amount of energy. Energy that is eventually converted to heat…
One of the last points to note is an article, published by Li Cohen, 28 June 2023. “Solar activity is ramping up faster than scientists predicted. Does it mean that an “internet apocalypse” is near?”
A very real indicator of Geomagnetic storms?
Lastly, Green House Gasses (GHG) are nasty. I do not support GHG emissions in any way. All efforts should be done to curb them. It is believed though (it appears) that GHG are not the root cause of our problem (Although they can partially contribute to global warming).?People need to be more circumspect in the production of energy. Clean energy is not necessarily “clean” energy.