Greenburgh student news network features segment dealing with racism/discrimination--an interview with the Scarsdale Historian

link to 2nd Greenburgh student news network feature---focusing on racism/discrimination

Greenburgh students are producing their own news shows! And the quality of the stories is fantastic and very interesting

Late last year a group of students, headed by Blake Feinstein of Edgemont High School, started the Greenburgh student news network. Students are hosting a monthly cable tv news show. A link to the most recent show can be found below. ? Students interested in getting involved in this initiative in the future should contact ?[email protected]. ?We welcome students who have an interest in journalism. ?I’m hoping that the Greenburgh student news network will inspire students from around the county to also host their own news programs.



Also, an article was just published in the Scarsdale Insider about an earlier show and about this exciting new student news network initiative. Here’s the link:


Jordan Copeland is the associate village historian of Scarsdale, New York. He has done extensive research on the history of Edgemont and housing discrimination in Greenburgh, conducting almost a dozen historical?interviews with Edgemont locals and producing thoroughly researched videos on the history of Black people in Edgemont and Scarsdale. In the first segment of the episode, Jordan discusses the importance of local?history and what led him to become a historian, as well as what the job entails. Next, he takes us through the rich history of black people in Edgemont, from the time of slavery all the way until the present, and discusses the inspirational Cockburn and Stewart families. Lastly, he discusses the issue of housing discrimination in Greenburgh, including how past discrimination has led to current disparities.

?The students involved with this show were: Executive Producer: Blake Feinstein; Reporters: Blake Feinstein (Edgemont);Armita Mojazza (Woodlands);

Caleigh Weintraub (Ardsley).

Local news publications are facing challenges all over the country. These challenges have forced many to go out of business or struggle to say afloat. ?Reasons include traditional revenue sources for local news have dried up and declined. ?And he rise of digital media has disrupted local news outlets business models. I believe that the future of local news may be for news outlets to form partnership with motivated and intelligent students.

PAUL FEINER ?Greenburgh Town Supervisor


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