The green transition: How to outshine the competition and attract top talent
The world is transitioning to green energy, and the future is bright!?
Today, renewables make up 20% of electricity generation in the U.S. By 2030, that number is expected to rise to 35%. 'New green energy giants' such as NextEra, Enel, and Iberdrola have seen their earnings spike 15-20% in the past two years and 200% in 10 years. The demand for green talent is also rising - from 9.6% in 2015 to 13.3% in 2021.??
The flourishing ESG (Environmental Sustainability Goals) movement, combined with massive government stimulus and private equity investment, further fuels the Green Transition. But is there enough highly skilled talent looking for greener pastures??
"While job postings requiring green skills grew 8% annually over the past five years, the share of green talent has grown roughly 6% annually in the same period. This is a significant missed opportunity for the planet and workers," notes LinkedIn's groundbreaking 2022 Green Economy Report.??
There is a war for talent in the green transition, and it's here to stay.? In this article, I explore challenges and critical strategies to attract the people needed to sustain the green boom. Let's kick things off with more details on the green transition.?