Is Green Shipping a Reality?
Logistics Business
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Whilst I applaud the efforts MHE manufacturers are making to eliminate carbon from handling operations at ports and harbours, by far the highest emissions come from the shipping vessels themselves. Shipping companies have been vocal in their support of a transition to renewable fuels, but much work still remains to be done before the dream becomes a reality.
The International Maritime Organization’s members have pledged to end fossil fuel consumption “by or around” 2050, but until a viable alternative fuel can be readily sourced, I fear the pledge could become just hollow words.
The Global Maritime Forum believes four million green jobs could be created if that 2050 target is hit, but will require significant capital investment to get there. With pretty much every global government making strong pledges to reduce or eliminate fossil fuels, it’s time they put their money where their mouth is.
Peter MacLeod, Editor [email protected]
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This Newsletter is with thanks to Manhattan Associates, Descartes Systems Group, Daifuku, Setlog, ROYPOW Lithium, FORTNA, Dexory, SIL Barcelona, WITRON Group, Clark The Forklift and cargo-partner.