Green Projects Blossom as Ford Plants Celebrate Earth Day with Eco-Sustaining Projects
Woodhaven Forging Creates a Butterfly Haven and Recycling Hub to Promote a Greener Future

Green Projects Blossom as Ford Plants Celebrate Earth Day with Eco-Sustaining Projects

Woodhaven Forging didn't just observe Earth Day this year; they took action. With a commitment to sustainability, they spent the day preparing and planting a vibrant butterfly garden. This garden, already earning recognition as a "Monarch Waystation," isn't just a patch of flowers, it's a sanctuary for pollinators and a symbol of their dedication to the environment.

But it doesn't stop there. Inside the plant gates, they dug up part of the back lot to create a containment center for recyclables. This initiative not only reduces waste but also ensures that materials are properly disposed of and recycled.

The company's Earth Day efforts were inclusive, with three time slots for volunteering to allow all employees to participate. From executives to factory workers, everyone had a chance to get their hands dirty and contribute to a greener world.

Woodhaven Forging’s Veronica Oskarik, finishing line team member, leveled wood chips.

Sharonville Transmission Plant Beautifies Its Surroundings

At the Sharonville Transmission Plant (STP), Earth Day was a time to enhance their surroundings and create a more welcoming environment. The STP Environmental Cross-Functional Team spearheaded the addition of a stunning new redbud tree and rock garden in front of the plant.

“Earth Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the small things we can do to make the world a more livable place,” said Plant Environmental Engineer Phil Utrecht.?“The new redbud and rock garden will add a little life and color to the front of our plant to be enjoyed well into the future.”

The Forest Pansy Redbud tree, donated by GroundSystems, stands as a symbol of their commitment to nature.
Decorated rocks, courtesy of the STP/MPS/JLL/Castrol team and their children, add a personal touch to the garden, making it a place of beauty and reflection for employees and visitors alike.

Louisville Assembly Plant Gives Back to Nature

At the Louisville Assembly Plant (LAP), Earth Day wasn't just about celebrating; it was about giving back. Environmental control engineer Aaron Benson organized a free sapling giveaway, securing 300 saplings donated by Living Lands and Water.

On April 23rd, employees had the opportunity to take home saplings of four varieties: Pecan, Red Oak, White Swamp Oak, and Bur Oak, each marked with a color-coded string. The plant's DEI Council supported the event by promoting and volunteering, ensuring that every employee had access to a tree.

The giveaway was a hit, with employees excited to receive their saplings as they swung by one of the three pick-up sites between shifts. With each sapling planted, the Louisville Assembly Plant contributes to a greener, healthier planet for future generations.

“I lost a good shade tree at my house a couple years ago, so I saw this as an opportunity to replace it. Someday, this will made a nice shade tree,” said Terry Bishop, an LAP pipefitter who joined Ford Motor Company in 1997, pictured here with Margie Rios-Brown.

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Aspiring Corporate Director / Management Consultant / Corporate Leader

5 个月

Happy EARTH Day! Kudos to Ford Motor Company, for the Green Projects, at Woodhaven Forgings, Ford Motor Company Louisville Assembly Plant. Absolutely, 'Sustainability & SED (Sustainable Economic Development)' - need of the time, for the world, to tackle the global issues like Climate Change and Global Warming. Best wishes, to Jim Farley, President & CEO, and 'Team Ford Motor Company', for all your future endeavors, and to achieve, many more, milestones! Syed Awees, B.Com (Hons), ACCA, Aspiring Analyst.

Promising position

Juney de Souza

Engenheiro Ambiental |Sustentabilidade| ESG | Constru??es Sustentáveis | Perito Ambiental | Auditor Interno e Externo | Sistema de Gest?o Ambiental| Licenciamento Ambiental | Consultor Ambiental e ESG , NR's, ISO 14001

5 个月

Parabéns à Ford Motor Company por essas iniciativas inspiradoras no Dia da Terra! O jardim de borboletas em Woodhaven Forging é um belo exemplo de como pequenas a??es podem ter um grande impacto ambiental, ajudando na preserva??o dos polinizadores e demonstrando um compromisso com a sustentabilidade. A cria??o do centro de conten??o de recicláveis é fundamental para reduzir o desperdício e promover práticas mais responsáveis. Já no Sharonville Transmission Plant, o plantio da árvore Redbud e o jardim de pedras n?o só embelezam o ambiente, mas também refor?am a importancia de a??es contínuas para tornar o mundo mais habitável. No Louisville Assembly Plant, a distribui??o gratuita de mudas é um gesto significativo que fortalece a conex?o dos funcionários com o meio ambiente e contribui para um planeta mais verde e saudável. Essas a??es coletivas e inclusivas, envolvendo funcionários de todos os níveis, s?o um exemplo poderoso de lideran?a e inspira??o para mudan?as positivas. Parabéns a todos os envolvidos!

Samuel Segwape Bahula

Quality Assurance (In-stage Inspector)

5 个月

We appreciate the effort you are putting in the environment, it's very aspiring. Not forgetting! to thank the teams of all levels in bringing the beauty in the beast we embrace on South African roads(Ford Ranger).



