Green Procurement, the missing link in harnessing a sustainable economy in Zimbabwe

As better methods of production are being embraced globally, sustainability has been adopted and being embraced by big corporate. Some have acquired knowledge about this business philosophy and some have drafted and implemented it as a corporate goal. This business philosophy has grown and a law to enforce green practices have flourished in The European communities. Sustainability it is all concerned with the use of goods and services with less or no environmental and social impact during its life cycle. Green procurement is a process whereby procuring entities procures goods and service with reduced environmental impact throughout their usage period. Sustainability has been the hub for economic growth in European states. In 2012 Ireland adopted its GPP action plan entitled Green Tenders. This set targets for fifty per cent of all procurement in eight product and service groups to be green. In 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency published a comprehensive set of criteria and guidance to help authorities meet this target. The criteria draw upon those set at EU level but take into account the specific purchasing patterns and market structure in Ireland. The guidance also addresses both EU and national environmental legislation. It is believed that Government expenditure on works, goods and services represents around 14% of EU GDP, accounting for roughly EUR 1.8 trillion annually. By using their purchasing power to choose goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact, they can make an important contribution towards local, regional, national and international sustainability goals. GPP can be a major driver for innovation, providing industry with real incentives for developing green products and services. This is particularly true in sectors where public purchasers represent a large share of the market (e.g. construction, health services, or transport).

In Zimbabwe, the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) plays the role of keeping the environment safe


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