"Green pathology" critique of "functional medicine"

"Green pathology" critique of "functional medicine"

For 20 years we thought Functional Medicine might be the new paradigm. We were wrong

Between 1860 and 2014 the conventional medical paradigm was a linear equation: Bad germs are teh primary factor causing cell and tissue pathology. Nature’s cleanup crew, her most numerous helpers, the microbes, were blamed for our physical health symptoms. The old medical paradigm was fear-based: Nature is out to kill us. We need to protect ourselves from Nature. We have a drug for every bug.

The new healthcare paradigm emerging (thanks mostly to Metabolic Typing) is Nature has a Plan for human health. If we learn her Plan, follow the Plan, health happens. For this to become mainstream will likely take 100 years.

Why? It’s more complex, more nuanced; and, acknowledges Feelings, Intuitions, Imagination and Inspirations. This means more women are more likely to resonate with — and get good at — the new healthcare than men. One-sided, Patriarchal males despise and avoid fields where women are naturally superior.

The big "umbrella" of Metabolic Patterns

Building on Metabolic Typing, I conceive of Metabolic Patterns as the largest therapeutic pattern in progressive healthcare. It incorporates Biomarkers 2.0:

- Identifying basic metabolic systems (lymph biochemistry is one of these systems),

- Learning and performing the non-invasive tests for each system,

- Producing numerical biomarkers from your tests,

- Discard “normal” and “average” reference ranges; use only biomarker reference ranges for optimal wellness,

- Compare your current biomarkers to the A Range of health. Now you know how close or far away you are from "all the way well" for that system or organ.

The more organs and systems with established biomarker reference ranges for optimal wellness, the faster we can know if an individual is trending towards or away from optimal wellness.

Q: Do I have to test all my metabolic systems?

A: No. RBTI (Dr. Carey Reams urine-saliva biomarker testing and analysis) tests only one system, lymph biochemistry. The more metabolic systems you address this way, the more clearly an individual’s bio-chemical uniqueness comes to light and can be profiled. Make sense?

RBTI uses optimal reference ranges for one major metabolic system, lymph. I consider RBTI the middle school, high school and community college level of Metabolic Typing. More recent MetType methods test the optimal reference ranges for 2–5 major systems.

Q: Without invasive tests and bloods tests, how do we address our multiple major and minor metabolic systems?

A: It’s easy. All we need to do is identify:

- Which systems are over-charged (hyper),

- Which systems are under-charged (hypo), and

- Which systems are already balanced?

Then we modulate our internal systems with the food, drink and supplements we nourish our body with. Specifically, we calm down the hyper systems; we stimulate the hypo systems; and, we nourish the balanced systems.

In this way, physical wellness is a “three body problem” ~

Given the above, it’s more accurate to describe physical health as a juggling problem, juggling three to five different balls.

This replaces the old linear medical equation: “suppress and extinguish all physical symptoms;” or, “Germs bad; sickness bad; doctors good; drugs good; surgery good.”

The newer “three body problem” paradigm is more sophisticated, evolved, nuanced and effective. Physical health never was a linear equation. Physical health was always an internal community effort, between all your major and minor metabolic systems.

If we keep testing one or more organs and/or systems, using the non-invasive vital signs-like tests of Metabolic Typing, we can simply “follow the numbers” back to wellness and wholeness. “Follow the numbers” was Dr. Reams' favorite saying.

Q: What was off about Functional Medicine?

A: Between 1990–2010 it appeared Functional Medicine (FM) might take over as the leading edge of mainstream holistic healthcare. However around 2010 Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, trained in both journalism at TIME magazine; and, in Metabolic Typing put FM in its place. He characterized FM as too often only “Green Pathology.”

In the old germ pathology medical paradigm, doctors diagnose, then apply non-nutritive, patent drugs (pharmaceuticals) until all physical symptoms are extinguished or suppressed; or until, surgery is required.

Dr. Gonzalez said Green Pathology merely swaps out trial and error with drugs and surgery for trial and error with vitamins, herbs and homeopathics. The old pathology bases remains:

- Distrusting Nature, fearing Nature and her microbes,

- Superficial interest in how to query the body to learn which foods it needs, when and how much?

- Paying an expert to tell us what to take, waiting to see if it helps or not.

To Learn More

In Google search for: "Metabolic Typing"at "linkedin"

Okay to contact me. I share a MetTuype 101 list of books, videos, etc to get oriented. Me: HealingToolbox atttgmale c-om


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