GREEN MARKETING: The Marketing Communication for Millennials
Transformational Trainer/ Management Consultant/ Researcher
What is Green Marketing?
Marketing of products and services which are environmentally friendly or following sustainable practices in many of the aspects of marketing in selling products and services is called Green Marketing/ Environmental Marketing/ Ecological Marketing.
In recent years, people got more concerned about the environment and decide to make a minimum impact on the planet in their consuming habits. Global warming and other environmental disasters have warned human beings on their careless practices carried out damaging to the habitats. Therefore, the consumption of green products/ services has become a major concern making a little environmental impact.
Even though green marketing seems like a simple process, actually it is not. Green marketing incorporates broad range of activities including make use of eco-friendly products, avoid harmful raw materials for manufacturing, eco-friendly packaging, adopting sustainable business practices, align with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) practices, follow e-marketing practices, product modification, changes to the production process (eg. Producing without child labor), modifying, advertising, etc.
More than ever, consumers concern about the environment today. Global warming and other environmental issues, natural disaster happened due to the acts of human beings have pushed them to follow sustainable practices and buy sustainable products and services. Researchers find out that millennials tend to buy more sustainable products/green products than others. Businesses discover that a high level of social responsibility increases brand loyalty strengthening the brand image. Businesses are increasingly discovering that demonstrating a high level of social responsibility can increase brand loyalty among socially conscious consumers.
Who follows Green Marketing?
Some global giants in different industries have successfully implemented the Green Marketing concept being hugely profitable.
The best-selling hybrid vehicle in all-time ‘Prius’ became people’s favorite vehicle because of its unique style and the owner’s passion for sustainability. It also promotes global electrification by providing nearly 24000 licenses royalty-free.
Coca Cola came up with plant-based materials to manufacture their plastic bottles. Mas Holdings in Sri Lanka produces guilty free garments without using child labor. Many organizations look for renewable energy through solar panels and wind palms. The LED bulb has taken the place of the fluorescent bulbs increasing the efficiency many times giving more brightness without warm-up time. The advertising industry has been transformed from paper to paperless through digital media making more impact within a shorter time period. Companies like Ikea, Google, Lego, Nike have put unique processes to increase the efficiency to save more energy making a little impact on the environment.
Environmental concern has made organizations' brand image stronger and appealing to the public. In 2005, HSBC addressed climate change initiating an industry-leading carbon-management plan gaining much credibility.
Celebrity film stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda, Matt Damon, Natalie Portman, Mark Ruffalo were hugely acclaimed for their active involvement in issues like global warming, climate change, changing the habitat of species. Business celebrities like Bill Gates, Elon Musk directly involve in environmental global warming and climate-changing issues, finding sustainable emerging sources, minimizing the impact on the environment in energy use. Just like organizations who concern on environments get the credibility, these personalities have raised their personal brand value through these activities.
How can organizations implement green marketing concept?
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) framework has raised the standards of many global giant companies concerning sustainable practices. GRI is a voluntary global standard and framework that works with the UN environmental program which sets standards for economic, human, environmental and social performance. GRI has become the indicator to showcase the level of environmental concern of any company that follows that. Business giants like Coca-Cola, GM, IBM, Novartis, Philips, and Unilever have been following this reporting standard. Therefore the organizations which concern about the environment and sustainability have the opportunity to follow GRI standards.
What are the cost-effective ways of going green?
1) Implementing e-marketing
Going green in marketing not only reduces the cost but will also increase efficiency in terms of achieving marketing goals. Social media marketing platforms have been powerful and popular especially among millennials. E-newsletters, blogs, and other content marketing strategies have become successful in this area.
2) Have green packaging
The package communicates a lot to the consumers. Having biodegradable materials for packaging ensures that organization concerns for sustainability. It is an organization’s visible symbol that they concern about going green. Although the company has to bear the high costs in this process in the short term, long term the costs will be minimized and it would be an ideal investment attracting loyal and environmentally conscious customers.
3) Have downloadable electronic materials
Many organizations send press kits, brochures, profiles of the key executives, company profiles on printed versions for prospective clients and other key stakeholders. If the organization can have them in the digitalized format in their corporate websites, they can send the particular links to the relevant stakeholders saving the time, paper, money and other resources like postage.
4) Use green vehicles
The use of hybrid/ electric vehicles for transportation is a visible sign that the organization follows a green policy. If the organization can encourage the employees providing interest-free loans and other concessions for the use of hybrid/ electric vehicles, they may get the real sense of being green.
5) Public Declaration
Organizations can declare publicly when they go for green through media conferences and press releases on their green policies, procedures, and activities. This will enhance the public awareness and showcase the commitment of the organization o going green