Green- let us make it true
Jacob Ephraim
Principal,, English n IELTS Trainer, Personality Dev, Sign Language , Content Writer, Poet written over 800 poems and 3books.Foreword written by Mr Ruskin Bond
Flashback: Jabalpur was so green once upon a time that one could hardly see the houses.Present Day ;Concrete has taken over all the lush greenery. Sadly that is the truth.The past two months has seen such scorching heat that Jabalpur has never experienced before.trees that took over thirty years to maintain have been brought down in thirty minutes. There is not a bit of shade to hide under and not a blade of grass for the animals to feed on. Birds have no water to drink and have their throats parched.It is now or never. If we do not wake up and take things on a war footing then it will be all too sad for our next generation.The coming generation will ask us what we have left for them and our only answer will be concrete jungle.It is good to plant a sapling but that is not the end of our contribution. We have to ensure that each sapling grows up into a wholesome tree where birds can rest, where the weary can rest under-its foliage. Let us create more parks for children to play and for elders to take the morning walk breathing in the fresh cool breeze.No task is difficult so let us put every plan into action. We can make Jabalpur what it was two decades ago