green? is a game changer. It's a mutually beneficial approach that creates an ultimate win-win situation. Even for the traditional sector. Power plants, local utility providers, even private solar farmers are able to easily tap into otherwise unused local overcapacities by connecting to the green Blockchain.
For years experts worked tirelessly to connect landline telephones between the American Continent and Europe. Going as far as to discuss running cables under the ocean. The breakthrough came when it was discovered that voice could be converted to data and that data could be transported wirelessly, then converted to voice at the other end.
Similar to the invention of wireless communication. green? allows anyone to invert energy to data and transfer, store or share it over the blockchain with anyone in the world. You can send $1 over the blockchain, why not 1 watt of energy! Before you say that's not possible, consider the fax machine, which converted paper to data and back to paper on the other end.
We stand at the brink of some of the greatest change, and opportunity, in the digital age. The green Blockchain is positioned to become the leader of this brand new frontier, and you can participate now.
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