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A Belgian mechanical engineering company and alkaline electrolyser specialist, John Cockerill recently unveiled a joint venture agreement with a leading Moroccan energy company aimed at creating a gigafactory for the production of electrolysers in Morocco. The joint venture will offer integrated hydrogen solutions.[i] Also, the two giant companies have agreed to develop a value chain for green hydrogen production in Morocco, helping large industries to establish a national energy ecosystem focused on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Furthermore, the companies are determined to establish a local ecosystem around hydrogen technologies.[ii]
Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant known chemical element.[iii] The Hydrogen molecule - at standard temperature and pressure - is an odourless, colourless, tasteless, non-toxic, highly combustible gas, with the highest specific energy content of all conventional fuels.[iv] Hydrogen can be produced via different methods, and each one produces different amounts of carbon dioxide as a by-product.[v] Hydrogen can also be produced biologically through the action of living organisms, a type of biofuel, biohyrogen[vi].
Green hydrogen is hydrogen fuel that is created using renewable energy as opposed to fossil fuels. It has the potential to provide clean power for manufacturing, transportation, etc., and its only by-product is water.[vii] Green hydrogen is the only 100% sustainable and commercially viable hydrogen.[viii] It is versatile, as it can be used in gas or liquid form, it can be converted into electricity or fuel, with multiple ways of production.[ix] Hydrogen can be produced through the electrolysis of water, leaving nothing but oxygen as a by-product. Electrolysis employs an electric current to split water into hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolyzer.[x] If the electricity is produced by renewable power, such as solar or wind, the resulting pollutant-free hydrogen is called “green hydrogen”. The rapidly declining cost of renewable energy is one reason for the growing interest in green hydrogen.
Green hydrogen plays a vital role in reducing global carbon emissions and it helps heavy industries move closer to a carbon-neutral future.[xi] For green hydrogen to reach its full potential, it needs to be adapted for use in majorly polluting countries. Even though the green hydrogen industry is still at its infancy, five major applications to this renewable energy source have already been developed.[xii]
§?Hydrogen feedstock
Green hydrogen is being used to replace existing hydrogen feedstock. While burning hydrogen only emits water, the process of producing hydrogen can be very carbon-intensive. Hydrogen produced via green hydrogen methods, however, is produced using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.[xiii] Switching feedstock with green hydrogen presents an opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions relating to the production of conventional hydrogen.[xiv]
§?Residential and commercial heating systems
Green hydrogen is also being used to decarbonize residential and commercial heating systems, which are a major source of carbon emissions in many countries.[xv] Green hydrogen is mixed with natural gas as a ‘quick fix’ to reduce heating-related emissions. However, this is only feasible where natural gas prices are relatively high.[xvi]
§?Energy storage
Energy storage is another key application of green hydrogen. A major application of traditional hydrogen is to produce fuel cells. Scientists are currently working on developing batteries from energy produced through renewable energy via electrolysis, however, initial attempts have resulted in a drop in energy efficiency compared with conventional batteries.[xvii] While this significant challenge must be overcome before green hydrogen can be used in energy storage, recent studies have shown that green hydrogen for energy storage applications is cost-effective when energy storage is required for more than thirteen hours.[xviii]
§?Alternative fuel production
The fourth major application of green hydrogen is in the production of alternative fuels. Currently, scaling-up green hydrogen production for a range of applications faces a number of challenges relating to distribution and storage[xix]. One route to tackling these challenges is to convert hydrogen into a less volatile and less flammable compound such as ammonia or methane. However, as energy is lost in this conversion, this approach is only appropriate when the resultant product has a relatively high value.[xx]
§?Fuel cell vehicles
Green hydrogen is being used to power fuel-cell vehicles. This application of green hydrogen is one of the most often cited uses of the renewable energy source, however, green hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are yet to gain significant traction in the automotive market.[xxi] In the next decade, it is likely that green hydrogen will be important for other applications rather than replacing internal combustion engines in vehicles. However, fuel cell vehicles may gain traction in certain markets, such as industry and manufacturing that rely on forklift trucks and other material-handling vehicles.[xxii]
Access to affordable and clean energy is a key component to meet sustainable Development Goals.[xxiii] Countries in SSA are facing several challenges in terms of access to electricity.[xxiv] In some countries, such as Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso, the estimated share of rural populations with access to electricity may be as low as 1 to 4%[xxv] This low access emanates from a combination of several factors, which may include socio-economic, technical, political, financial, and institutional policy framework barriers. SSA countries can meet their electricity demand through the promotion of green hydrogen because of their huge renewable energy potential. [xxvi]
In many countries, the status of renewable energy resources is not clearly defined, but rather incorporated within the competitive and regulatory frameworks of the electricity or general energy sector.[xxvii] This approach poses several challenges for investors wishing to invest in renewable energy projects. There is an urgent need for SSA countries to clearly define a clear legal and policy framework for renewable energy resources with robust laws and regulations which will significantly contribute to attracting large-scale investment in the sector. Although in many SSA countries there exist specific laws that deal with renewable energy, the level of intervention and implementation remains a challenge and varies from country to country.
In Sierra Leone, the electricity sector and water regulatory commission is governed by the National Electricity Act (2011). This was established on the basis of furthering renewable energy development to attract private investments, extending electricity to rural and remote areas, increasing the percentage contribution of solar energy to the total energy mix, improving healthcare, and enhancing other human services. In addition, the law commits the government to take numerous enabling measures to ensure that renewable energy becomes a significant part of its energy portfolio over the next fifteen years.[xxviii]
On July 6, 2015, the Liberian government established a wholly autonomous Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA). The RREA aims at addressing the challenges faced by the energy supply in rural areas. The RREA operates to ensure universal access to modern energy services in an affordable, sustainable, and environmentally- friendly manner in order to foster the economic, political, and social development of Liberia.[xxix]
The renewable energy sector in the Gambia is governed by the Bill/Act of 2013, which establishes a legal, economic, and institutional basis to promote the use of renewable energy resources and for connected matters. Furthermore, the Ministry of Energy has developed an energy strategy that facilitates the use of renewable energy resources for both power and non-power applications to be exempt from import duty. The Act guides all renewable energy equipment that fulfills the eligibility to be exempted from value-added tax and any other retail tax for fifteen years from commissioning, and all proceeds from the sale of carbon emission credits shall be exempt from sales taxes. Nevertheless, Gambia lacks a clear Decree/Act/Bill on renewable energy.[xxx]
Ghana Act 832 is for the development, management, and utilization of renewable energy sources for energy production in an efficient and environmentally sustainable manner. The Act was legislated in light of the policy direction and with the specific objective of accelerating the development and utilization of renewable energy technologies to achieve a 10% penetration of national electricity by 2020. Electricity generation capacity from renewables is projected to reach 1353.63 MW by 2030 which will contribute to the creation of 220,000 jobs, and carbon savings of about 11 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030. The Ghana Act 832 stipulates that fossil fuel-based wholesale electricity suppliers, fossil fuel producers, and any other companies that contribute to greenhouse gas emission shall invest in non-utility scale renewable energy to offset greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change.[xxxi]
In Togo, Law No 2018-010 establishes the legal framework governing the equipment/materials, installations, and other necessary infrastructure for the production, storage, transport, distribution, marketing, and consumption of electricity based on renewable energy sources. For instance, Law No. 2018-010 in Title II, articles 16 and 17 highlight three (3) legal regimes for electricity production projects based on renewable energy sources. However, the system of declaration and freedom is applied to the activities of production of electrical energy based on renewable energy sources intended for the needs of clean consumption without injection into the national electricity grid. The Togolese government also grants tax and customs exemptions of up to 10 years for projects to build power plants and infrastructure based on renewable energy sources used for their own needs or for the sale of electricity[xxxii]
Green hydrogen is emerging as a vital component to encourage energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables?in order to secure a sustainable future for the planet. In the coming years, hydrogen, produced from renewable energy sourced electricity is projected to grow rapidly. Many ongoing and planned projects across the world point in this direction. Hydrogen from renewable sourced energy is rapidly becoming economically relevant for the global energy transition. For Africa to be part of this global movement towards green hydrogen, it is important to create legislative framework(s) that facilitate hydrogen production via renewable energy sourced electricity.
[ii] Ibid.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Ibid
[vii] https:/
[ix] https:/
[x][x] ibid.
[xi] Ibid
[xii] ibid
[xiii] Ibid.
[xiv] ibid
[xv] Ibid
[xvi] ibid
[xvii] ibid
[xviii] ibid
[xix] ibid
[xx] ibid
[xxi] ibid
[xxii] ibid
[xxiii] Abdoulaye Ballo (2022): Law and Policy Review on Green Hydrogen Potentials in ECOWAS Countries.
[xxiv] World Bank Global Electrification Database from ‘Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report’ led jointly by the custodian agencies: The International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the United Nations Statistics. Available online: chart
[xxv] Op.cit.xxviii
[xxvi] Op.cit.xxvii
[xxvii] Op.cit.xxvii
[xxviii] Op,cit. xxviii
[xxix] ibid
[xxx] Ibid.
[xxxi] Ibid.
[xxxii] Government of Togo. Loi N 2018-010 Relative à la Promotion de la Production de l’Electricite à Base des Sources d’Energies Renouvelables au Togo. 2018. Available online:
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2 年Very timely one