Green Hydrogen P2X - beyond energy
Hydrogen Ireland

Green Hydrogen P2X - beyond energy


As the world continues to address the urgent need to transition to clean and

sustainable sources of energy, #greenhydrogen has emerged as a promising


While the primary focus of P2X has been on energy applications, there is a growing

interest in exploring its potential beyond linear energy applications. P2x2 looks at how

green hydrogen can be used to drive innovation and transformation in a variety of

industries and used to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly


With its potential to decarbonise various sectors, including transportation and industry,

green hydrogen has been the subject of much discussion in recent years.

Whilst the initial focus through hydrogen valleys and projects such as GenComm, and

others has largely been on the power applications of green hydrogen, such as mobility,

fuel cells, energy storage, we are now looking to the next steps in the evolution of

application for green hydrogen - power to x, or P2X, are now coming into view.

P2X - P2x2

P2X refers to the use of green hydrogen for power applications beyond traditional

energy production. This includes the conversion of hydrogen into other valuable

products, such as ammonia and synthetic fuels, through processes like electrolysis

and methanation. By utilising green hydrogen in this way, P2X has the potential to

further reduce carbon emissions and create new economic opportunities in the clean

energy sector.

So, what's next for P2X? Several key developments include the scaling up of

production facilities for green hydrogen and its derivatives and for what we term

#Hydrogenfutures. Green Hydrogen is a vector that delivers more than just green

power and it is the ‘beyond energy’ the P2x2 opportunities that excites the mind, green

hydrogen has the potential to deliver a range of additional benefits in the new clean

economy. As governments and industries invest in infrastructure for green hydrogen

production, distribution, and utilisation, the levelised cost of green hydrogen (LCOH)

will decrease, making it more competitive with fossil fuels and the door to clean energy

futures will open.

Next Gen H2

Another significant next step for P2X is the development of next generation hydrogen

technologies and processes to improve the efficiency and sustainability of green

hydrogen production. This includes advancements in electrolysis technology, as well

as the horizontal integration of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power

to power electrolysers.

Additionally, research in partner organisations including Queen's University Belfast

under David Rooney and at IZES gGmbH under Bodo Gro? is ongoing into the use of

alternative feedstocks for green hydrogen production, such as biomass and seawater.

Additional activities include investigations beyond energy, where green hydrogen has

the potential to deliver a range of additional benefits in the new clean economy. This

area or research we call #P2x2 is looking at where the production of green hydrogen

can create new jobs and stimulate economic growth in regions with abundant

renewable energy resources. Furthermore, the use of green hydrogen in industries

like transportation and manufacturing can help reduce air pollution and improve public



The next steps in green hydrogen #P2X and #P2x2 are focused on scaling up

production, improving efficiency, and exploring new applications beyond energy. By

continuing to invest in research and development, as well as policy support for green

hydrogen, we can unlock the full potential of this versatile and sustainable energy

source in the transition to a greener future and accelerate our journey to #netzero.


Hydrogen Ireland Conference 2024

Navigate Challenges and Seize Opportunities

13th and 14th November 2024

Fota Island Cork

Registration 2024 — H2IRL Conference 2024


