Green Drinks Toronto
Randy Tyrrell
Environmental Entrepreneur: Custom Content - Event Promotion - Public Speaking - Influence Marketing - Networking
I have been promoting Green Drinks Toronto for 8 years. Jim Lord has been organizing and managing it for a decade. We work for free.
During that time I have participated in countless conversations, witnessed new friendships formed, heard from people who got hired or hired someone, seen the start of new business deals/relationships and know of at least one marriage resulting from attendees meeting each other.
Green Drinks is global. You can go to and find your nearest chapter or start a new one. It was founded in 1989 in London, England. Gatherings now number several hundred self-organizing chapters.
11 months of the year, Green Drinks Toronto is free to attend. The average crowd is over 200 people per month, over 1200 per year.
Every April, we host a special version of the event at a different venue. The annual Earth Week Fundraiser. Its a sponsored event with a small fee to attend, but every penny of the proceeds go to benefit an Environmental non-profit. This year its Canada Green Building Council – Toronto Chapter.
There are still tickets available! Please join us tomorrow night at the Rock “n” Horse Saloon, 250 Adelaide St West at 6pm. Admission is only $25: