Green computing, also known as green technology, is the use of computers and other computing devices and equipment in energy-efficient and eco-friendly ways. Organizations that use green computing methods often deploy energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers, peripherals, power systems and other IT equipment. They also focus on reducing resource use and properly disposing of electronic waste.
In many organizations, green computing is a key part of environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives that focus on the adoption of sustainable and ethical business practices. It also contributes to broader business sustainability efforts, which aim to position companies for ongoing success based on responsible corporate management and strategies.
Saving money on energy and IT costs is one driving factor for green computing approaches. Government regulations related to energy conservation also drive green efforts. Concern about climate change, combined with internal and external pressure to be environmentally responsible, is a third factor behind the green computing movement.
Green Computing strategy :
Importance of Green Computing:
The environmental impact of IT components is important to consider in the data center design process. Advances in energy management and energy conservation have made IT systems and other computing resources highly energy-efficient. Green design of data centers, office space and other facilities that consume high amounts of energy has become a key part of new construction and building upgrades to make them more environmentally sustainable.
That includes the use of energy-efficient HVAC, power and lighting systems, and a variety of ancillary equipment. For example, many data center components have a sleep mode that reduces power use or completely shuts down a system during times of low or no use. Also, most IT equipment vendors support green manufacturing practices. .