Greek God: Phosphorus
I am who I seek to be for my will be divine
I read all about the Greek Gods and Goddess' over the years. And my favourite, due to bringing clarity into a situation, that others might see as sowing the seeds of contention, even if you might not like what one hears is: the Greek God Phosphorus (Ancient Greek: Φωσφ?ρο?, romanized: Phōsphoros) is the god of the planet Venus in its appearance as the 'Morning Star'.
Another Greek name for the 'Morning Star' is "Eosphorus" (Ancient Greek: ?ωσφ?ρο?, romanized: Heōsphoros), which means "dawn-bringer". The term "eosphorus" is sometimes met in English.
Phosphorus’ birth was considered a significant event in Greek mythology, as it marked the beginning of a new day, representing optimism, renewal, and hope. As the torch-bearer of sunlight, Phosphorus embodied the cyclical nature of life, casting away the shadows and illuminating the path ahead.
According to ancient legends, Phosphorus had the ability to light up the heavens and bring forth the sun, awakening the world from its slumber.
Phosphorus’ presence in Greek mythology was not limited to his role as the morning star. He was also associated with the gentle breeze that accompanied the arrival of dawn, whispering promises of new beginnings to all who heard its delicate murmur. The harmonious combination of light and wind created an ethereal atmosphere, where dreams and reality intertwined.
But Phosphorus’ influence was not limited to the realm of art and creativity. He also inspired individuals to seek enlightenment and understand the deeper meaning of life. His light served as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and spiritual growth. Those who sought his guidance were granted visions and insights, enabling them to unravel the mysteries of the universe and gain a deeper understanding of their own existence.
Phosphorus’ influence extended beyond the mortal realm. The gods and goddesses themselves recognized his importance and sought his favour. Zeus, the king of the gods, would often call upon the Greek God Phosphorus, to announce the beginning of important gatherings and celestial events. Phosphorus’ radiant light would pierce through the darkness, drawing the attention of all, and setting the stage for the grandeur that was to follow.
Throughout Greek mythology, Phosphorus remained a symbol of hope and enlightenment. His presence served as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light, a beacon of possibility. Whether as the morning star or the gentle breeze, Phosphorus embodied the beauty and power of the natural world, inspiring awe and wonder in all who encountered him.
The name derives from the Greek 'phosphoros' for "bringing light" because it has the property of glowing in the dark.
Phosphorus (P) is also a non-metallic chemical element of the nitrogen family (Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table) that at room temperature is a colourless, semi-transparent, soft, waxy solid that glows in the dark. Phosphorus was discovered by the German merchant Hennig Brand in 1669.
Benefits of Phosphorus is also a mineral that naturally occurs in many foods and is also available as a supplement. It plays multiple roles in the body. It is a key element of bones, teeth, and cell membranes.
It helps to activate enzymes, and keeps blood pH within a normal range. Phosphorus regulates the normal function of nerves and muscles, including the heart, and is also a building block of our genes, as it makes up DNA, RNA, and ATP, the body’s major source of energy.
Dan Egan (2024) writes, “Phosphorus is the elemental link that completes the circle of life.” For Dan Egan presents readers with this history before laying out the massive impact phosphorus had over the following centuries.
Phosphorus follows the law of conservation of energy: Indestructible, it persists by shifting from one form to the next. Historically extracted from bodily waste and remains, it never loses its potency, activating a perpetual cycle of pollution and fertilizer. This element is volatile. It can as easily stimulate growth as cause profound destruction. Phosphorus research reveals plenty of startling arcs.
While at an early stage the Morning Star (called Phosphorus and other names) and the Evening Star (referred to by names such as Hesperus) were thought of as two celestial objects, the Greeks accepted that the two were the same, but they seem to have continued to treat the two mythological entities as distinct.
As an adjective, the word "phosphorus" is applied in the sense of "light-bringing" (for instance, the dawn, the god Dionysus, pine torches and the day) and "torch-bearing" as an epithet of several gods and goddesses, especially of Hecate but also of Artemis/Diana and Hephaestus. Prometheus, a Titan, who is known for his intelligence, and a champion of the people of Earth. He stole fire and brought it to humanity, which angered Zeus.? Or the ‘Hermit’ in the Tarot cards deck (who is seen with a lantern), that governs the zodiac Virgo sign.
Seasonally, Venus is the "light bringer" in the northern hemisphere, appearing most brightly in December (an optical illusion due to shorter days), signaling the "rebirth" of longer days as winter wanes.
In the Biblical context, the use of "phósphoros" aligns with the Jewish and early Christian understanding of light as a symbol of divine truth and revelation. His, Satan's real Bible name was and is HEYLEL – hêlēl pronounced 'hay-lale' meaning “Spreading brightness” or “Shining One”. He, Satan is a 'Spirit Son of God'?who was once an angel “in authority in the presence of God.”?And in the 'Pre-mortal Council' in Heaven (also watch: Elemental Beings) he, Satan, the God Phosphorus also sits there in the Senate.
As evidenced, “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Holy Bible, Job 38:7).
In the Gospel of Judas, he mentions that of His disciples saying to him, “Lord, what great generation is better and holier than us, that’s not in these realms?”
He said to them, “Why are you wondering in your hearts about the strong and holy generation??Truly I say to you, no one born of this realm will see that generation, no army of angels from the stars will rule over it, and no person of mortal birth will be able to join it, because that generation doesn’t come from the generation of the great people; the powerful authorities nor the powers those by which you rule.
For there exists a great and boundless realm, whose existence no generation of Angels has seen, in which there is a?Great Invisible Spirit, which no eye of an angel has ever seen.? No thought of the heart has ever comprehended and it was never called by any name.
"Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, "Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God."" (Holy Bible, Acts 17:22-23)
And a luminous cloud appeared there. And (the Spirit) said, ‘Let an angel come into being to attend me.’ And a Great Angel, the Self-Begotten, the God of the Light, emerged from the cloud. And because of him, a Morning Star, and another four angels came into being from another cloud, and they attended the angelic Self-Begotten. And said?the Self-Begotten, ‘Let a realm come into being,’ and it came into being. And the Self-Begotten created the first luminary to rule over it.
And he said, ‘Let angels come into being to serve [it,’ and myriads] without number came into being. And the Self-Begotten said, ‘[Let a] luminous realm come into being,’ and it came into being. He created the second luminary to rule over it, along with myriads of angels without number to offer service. And that’s how he created the rest of the realms of light. And he made them to be ruled, and created for them myriads of angels without number to assist them.” (Gospel of Judas, verse 33-58)
Sutton recently says the Hebrew word ??? is used 43 times in the Tanakh. These include 23 as a noun (dawn, tomorrow, the morning star) 6 adjectivally (black) 12 as a pi?el verb ("to seek, to desire") or qal ("to become black" or "to be intent on"). As the God of Light, Phosphorus embodied the duality of existence. Just as light cannot exist without darkness, Phosphorus’ powers were intertwined with the shadows. It was through his light that the darkness was held at bay, but it was also within the darkness that his radiance shone brightest. This paradoxical nature made the God Phosphorus, a symbol of balance and harmony, reminding humanity of the delicate equilibrium that exists in the universe. Similar to a mixed-raced person.
Klein, who tends to be more conservative in these questions, shows different derivations. Shachor, he writes, is related to Syrian ????? shuchra and Akkadian shuru, meaning "coal". On the other hand, shachar is related to Moabite ????, JAram ????, Arabic sahar, Akkadian sheru and shirtu - all meaning "dawn".
Steinberg also provides different etymologies. He writes that shachar is related to ???, ??? and ??? - all meaning "to shine", whereas shachor is the Shaph'el form of ??? - "to burn". For an example, he writes that the Targum for Iyov 30:30 offers ??? for ??? - also Shaph'el of ??, "to be warm".?
However, there are those that disagree, and find a connection. Almagor-Ramon writes that there is a phenomenon in Hebrew and other languages, where when there is a root that has words which approach the limit of that meaning, from that limit they have a tendency to switch meanings. For an example, she writes that, at night everything is black (shachor), and toward the end of the night, on the limit, when there is already more light than black, we still refer to that period as shachar - dawn. This concept is used in word games called "synonym chains" as described here.
According to Strong and Brown-Driver-Briggs, 'Heyel' means shine, praise, or boast.? The word can have both a positive and a negative meaning, and so the context of the word must determine its meaning. By analysing each letter of 'Heylel', the following meaning is given:
Heh: value (5). God’s breath, in human heart transforming it, present world;
Yod: value (10). spark of spirit in everything, humility, future world;
Lamed: value (30). learn, teach, and lead;
The term "phósphoros" is used to describe something that brings or bears light. In the New Testament, it is metaphorically used to refer to the "morning star," symbolizing the dawn of a new day or the arrival of enlightenment and hope. It conveys the idea of illumination and guidance, often associated with those who are the bringer of spiritual light.
“Greater is He that is in you [the Holy Spirit], than He that is in the world [Satan].” (1 John 4:4)
As ‘Theistic Satanism’ means seeing him as a supernatural being, an actual deity,?a spiritual being. Seeking knowledge is seen by some Theistic Satanists, as being important to Satan and therefore seek their own path to knowledge too for self-realisation. Theistic Satanists simply follow a self-centered philosophy. They are focused on self-determination and the power of the self, rather than submitting to a superior force.
For 'Self-Development' is important to Theistic Satanists. This is due to the 'Theistic Satanists' idea of Satan, who is seen to encourage individuality and freedom of thought, and the quest to raise one's self up despite resistance.
Theistic Satanists may believe that Satan sends them tests in life to develop them as individuals too. They value taking responsibility for oneself. Despite the emphasis on self-development, some Theistic Satanists believe that there is a Will of Satan for the world; The Five ?I wills” which reveals Satan’s self-sufficiency and his self-worship.?and for Theistic Satanists own lives: Self-Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Thought Leadership, Leverage Leadership and Transformational Leadership.
In the Tarot deck, the Hermit (the Greek God Phosphorus), is number 9, and September is the nineth month of the year. The month of the Virgoan. In numerology the number 9 is powerful. It represents completion, although not a final ending — more like the fulfillment of one cycle, so that you can prepare to initiate the next one. It’s a recognition of life’s ongoing ebb and flow.
The number 9 is the last of the single-digit numbers (which are known as cardinal numbers in numerology) and the highest in value. The number 9 shows you’ve lived and learned; you’re engaged with living your life in a meaningful, conscious manner and you’re setting rewarding goals.
As September, the ninth month of the year, symbolizes transformation and change. Traditionally considered the harvest month in many cultures, it marks the transition from the vibrancy of summer to the tranquillity of autumn. A period of abundance and preparation. And September carries the energy of gratitude, discernment, and introspection. It is also related to the concepts of wisdom, knowledge, and learning, as it coincides with the start of the academic year in numerous countries.
In ancient Roman mythology, September was considered sacred to Jupiter, the King of the Gods. It was originally the seventh month of the Roman calendar, hence its name derived from the Latin word ‘septem,’ meaning ‘seven.’ And in numerology 7 represents intuition, and spirituality. The festival of Ludi Romani, dedicated to Jupiter, was typically celebrated in September, reflecting the month’s association with divine power, authority, and sovereignty.
But unlike cardinal and fixed signs, mutable signs (such as Virgoans) are incredibly adaptable and are known as the fine-tuners of the Zodiac eg. mindsets, attitudes, and perspectives.
Mutable signs are the emotional support system that others depend on to have an easy-going attitude. Instead of creating change like cardinal signs or resisting change like fixed signs, mutable signs accept that change without putting up a fight only if the change is beneficial, then they adapt to it. This is why the Hermit governs Virgo. As, the Greek God Phosphorus rules the World of Earth and Virgo is an Earth sign in the zodiac. This is why they are compatible.
For example, the Hermit Tarot card represents spending time alone, being a lone wolf, soul-searching, seeking spiritual guidance, introspection. A Sigma Male archetype. The Hermit lets us know that the answers we seek are already within us. The Hermit tarot card can also represent a teacher or being a teacher to others. In a career reading the Hermit can signify careers in teaching, writing, publishing, and mentoring.
When the 'Hermit' Tarot card appears as feelings, it signifies a profound and introspective connection to a path, situation, or a person. This card suggests that the Seeker is drawn to solitude, self-reflection, and inner wisdom. The Hermit embodies someone comfortable in their own company, someone who delves deeply into the mysteries of their inner world, and who cherishes the clarity found in quiet moments.
The 'Hermit' speaks of feelings that are deep and the 'Seeker' could be captivated by someone’s depth and self-awareness. They are often drawn to to the quiet strength of others. Such a connection can bring a relationship rich with emotional depth and mutual growth, where both partners inspire each other to explore their inner worlds and cultivate a deeper understanding of life’s complexities.
However, the Hermit also carries a shadow side: a potential for withdrawal, over-analysis, or difficulty in navigating the social and emotional nuances of intimacy. This may suggest that while a connection offers wisdom and growth, it could also require effort in building bridges between introspection and shared experiences.
Ultimately, the Hermit’s feelings often invites the Seeker to embracing a partnership that supports self-discovery, and mutual understanding. It’s a relationship where love is not only about companionship, but also about deepening your connection to yourself.
In popular culture, the image of the Greek God Phosphorus persists as a symbol of hope and guidance. His light continues to inspire individuals to embark on their own personal journeys, illuminating their paths and leading them toward their true destinies.
Phosphorus’ symbolism and powers were as vast as the cosmos itself. From inspiring creativity and enlightenment to guiding lost souls and protecting travellers, his influence touched every aspect of human existence. As we bask in the light of a new day, let us remember the profound impact that Phosphorus has had on our lives and continue to seek his guidance in our pursuit of knowledge, inspiration, and spiritual growth.
It follows the common understanding of Earth as connected to manifestation and foundation. Ritual as practitioners may choose to perform a self-dedication rite, eg affirmations, then, is a way to manifest the individual will of the practitioner, a goal reflected in the Greek God Phosphorus, as the very epitome of self-realization.
Planning and Performing Your Personal Self Dedication Ceremony.
A 'Self-Dedication Ritual' means exactly what it sounds like it means:?you are dedicating and telling yourself that you are moving from one chapter in your life to another, or changing your status in some way eg. Noblesse Oblige: which requires the person who holds such a status to fulfil social responsibilities.?For as long ago as ancient Greece, aristocrats have mulled over their obligations to society. While the result of noblesse oblige will be positive. And informing?the Divine that this is the path you wish to pursue.
1) Meditate before doing the ceremony to centre yourself;
Centering Exercise (Attend to Your Navel): In Qigong and Tai Chi, the center of your body is called the lower dantien, which is about two inches below your navel. Place your awareness in this area and breathe naturally. It’s helpful to put one or both hands over your navel as you breathe. Combine this with the conscious breathing exercise for greater benefit. You’ll probably notice the effects within 30 seconds to 1 minute.
2) Light a candle; either white (renewal) / grey (wisdom, conscious mind, and patience) / pink (self-love, empathy, connection) / purple (enhance intuition, spiritual enlightenment, creativity, or manifestation, and knowledge)?/ blue (wisdom, truth, acceptance) / yellow (abundance, improve memory or communication, or increase focus, concentration or connection), / orange (ambition, positivity, or gaining inspiration)?/ red (self-compassion, strength and energy) / green (succeed, grow, and prosper) / brown candle (material gain, tenacity, commitment and promotes learning) / black (to help facilitate transformation and the letting go of old patterns and ways of being) while saying your own name in full, date of birth and ethnicity origin, eg. Mavarine Du-Marie, 8 September 1965,?Miscegenation origin,?(which comes from?the Latin miscere, 'to mix' and genus, 'kind').
3) Light the incense of your choosing, and walk around the candle (note: if you can't walk around the candles, simply rotate the incense in a circle around them, whilst saying:
"On this early morning, I come before the elements asking for the guardians to arise. Open the path, open the gates, open the way, I am here. Brightest Blessings."
Self-dedication happens strictly on your own terms. The commitment you’re declaring in such a ritual is really to your inner self, to any?deities?you may incorporate into your practice, and to the divinity of the Universe, as you understand it. It’s not a commitment to any other person, or an entrance into a group of fellow practitioners. And since this experience is strictly between you and the divine, you can call it whatever you like — initiation, self-dedication, self-initiation, or something else entirely, if that’s what makes the most sense to you.
This goal of this self-dedicated rite is?to bring the dedicatee closer to the Divine, as well as to declare your connection to your spiritual path.?By the very definition of the word, you can’t initiate yourself, because to initiate requires more than one person. But what you?can?do is dedicate yourself to your path and to the god(s) you have chosen to follow. For many people, doing this as part of a formal ritual helps to cement their relationship with the Divine. Some people choose to wait until they have studied for a?year and a day?before having a formal self-dedication rite. It’s entirely up to you.
Self Initiation Rituals
Sometimes you know you have crossed – or are about to cross – a threshold. You are moving from one chapter in your life to another, or changing your status in some way. Perhaps it’s attainment of a professional license, or moving to another location. Perhaps it’s taking on a new role that you take very seriously as a part of your identity.
Such a moment may be a time for a very special rite of passage: an?initiation.?And particularly, you may need to do that initiation alone, but you must use an elemental Light Bringer, Light Bearer deity or that of the divine, to do this self-initiation rite, as to be a witness and bear testament to your act. So this post is focused specifically on how to create such a ritual for yourself.
1) Drawing a symbolic circle of protection around yourself,
2) Say aloud: "I acknowledge that this ritual is an initiation to personal growth and commitment that has already happened but I now require further guidance; please [Name the Light Bringer/Bearer] you are here to inspire, to elevate, to resonate with me, to encourage me to grow and evolve."
3) Say: "I invoke the names of “powers” (qualities eg., charisma/dynamism) and abilities (eg., confidence/self-assuredness) in the name of [what you dedicated yourself to eg., management/leadership]";
4) Then say: "I declare a solemn pledge of commitment to my heart’s path";
5) State: "I invoke/summon help. As no path must be walked alone; the dedication includes a commitment to find the right allies and work with them well."
6) Finally state: "I declare that the dedication is complete, the supplication has been attained, and the subject (mention your own name, date of birth, and ethnicity origin), now walks the Earth in service to [eg. Life, Learning, Work, Inner Beauty and Truth], I am who I seek to be for my will be divine."
7) Then 'undraw' the circle wiping it away. The ritual is now complete.
NOTE: For example, a flickering flame may indicate the presence of spiritual energies or guidance, while a steady flame symbolizes stability and assurance. These subtle nuances in the behaviour of the candle flame can add depth and meaning to one’s spiritual practice.
“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (Holy Bible, James 1:6)
The best days to do the Self-Dedicated Rite and Self-Initiation Ritual in the morning, is either Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or on a Monday. I particularly, favour Mondays, because I find Monday to be motivational. So, one of the most critical parts of Monday, is starting the day with positive thoughts. Little things you can do on Mondays for keeping your outlook upbeat include:
In 2025 there will be 52 days of Monday:
And in numerology, the numbers one, two, and seven vibrate with Monday and the Moon. One represents unity, the power of creation. And the other being the Monad. The term monad (from Ancient Greek μον?? (monas)?'unity' and μ?νο? (monos)?'alone') is used in some cosmic philosophy and cosmogony, to refer to it as the most basic or original substance.
And 'Monad' has associations with Monday, when one views the day as the first day of the week. The number one, in a visual sense, represents the individual, standing tall and strong. Like the Waxing Moon, one is at the forefront of any genesis. It grows, slowly improving, just as all living things.
In conclusion, the Elemental tales of Phosphorus, the Greek God of Light, have endured throughout history, leaving an indelible mark on ancient literature, art, and contemporary culture. His enigmatic aura and transformative powers continue to fascinate and inspire, reminding us of the eternal beauty and symbolic significance of light.
Just as the sun rises each morning, the Greek God Phosphorus’ legacy illuminates our minds and hearts, guiding us toward a brighter tomorrow.
"To him who can keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy — to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority." (Holy Bible, Jude 1:24-25)
Sutton, Lodewyk (6 November 2017).?"The dawn of two dawns: The mythical, royal and temporal implications of dawn for?Psalms 108 and 110".?HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies.?73?(3): 7.?doi:10.4102/hts.v73i3.4463.hdl:2263/66078?ISSN?2072-8050.