Greek Children of the ‘Silent Migration’: The AHEPA’s Role in the US Adoptions from Greece in the 1950s-1960s
AHEPA District Golden Gate
Promoting the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, family and individual excellence since 1922. Golden Gate District 21, Serving Northern California and Northern Nevada.
As part of the AHEPA District 21 Lecture Series, we are delighted to host Professor Gonda Van Steen at King's College in London, for an interesting and unusual topic: “Greek Children of the ‘Silent Migration’: The AHEPA’s Role in the US Adoptions from Greece in the 1950s-1960s”
This Saturday 3 April at 2pm PDT. Use the access information at the link below to attend virtually either from your computer or by phone
Prof. Van Steen's talk will be based on her book shown below.
Join us and hear this fascinating part of Greek history