The Greatness Within - Edition 8

The Greatness Within - Edition 8

"The Greatness Within" Blog Edition 8

How to find your purpose and turn your calling into your vocation

Written By: Mike Gliem a.k.a. Recovery Mike

What is Your Purpose?

The first question you should be asking yourself is, "What is my purpose?"

The answer to this question will help guide you on your journey to finding your vocation. Your purpose can be anything from helping people in need to creating art that inspires others or making the world a better place through activism and advocacy.

If you're still struggling with answering this question, think back to when you were a child and what made you excited about life. Maybe it was learning new things at school or playing sports with friends after class ended for the day--whatever it was that sparked joy in your heart, chances are there's still some part of that feeling within yourself today. The key is finding ways in which those passions can apply directly towards helping others around us as well as ourselves!

Finding Your Authenticity

Authenticity is the ability to be yourself, no matter what the circumstances. It's the ability to be honest with yourself and others, even when it's hard or scary.

I"t's important because if you can't be authentic, then how will people know who you really are?" You won't be able to connect with them on a deeper level--and if there's no connection between two people, then there isn't much of a relationship at all!

"How do I find my authentic self?" Well first off: don't worry about finding it right away! This process takes time--but here are some tips for getting started:

Making Your Vocation Your Life's Work

"How do you know if your vocation is the right one for you?"

A vocation is a calling from God, or in other words, it's a profession that allows you to use your gifts and talents in service to others. Having a vocation means that what makes sense for other people doesn't necessarily make sense for you--you've found something that resonates deeply within yourself and gives purpose and meaning to life. This can be anything from being an artist who paints beautiful landscapes on canvas all day long (like Monet), to working as an accountant at an accounting firm where they help businesses manage their finances, being an advocate to be a voice for a community you support, or who for president? There are NO wrong answers.

What are some benefits of having a vocation?

Having a purposeful career can lead to greater happiness because it gives us meaning in our lives by allowing us to contribute something meaningful to society while also making money off our skill sets! In addition, having more control over what we do every day will allow us more freedom than those who aren't sure about their futures yet."

The Benefits of Doing What You Love

"What are the benefits of doing what you love?"

"How can you make money doing what you love?"

"What are the challenges of doing what you love?"

Living a Meaningful Life

"What is a meaningful life?"

The benefits of living a meaningful life

"How can you find more meaning in your life?"

Living a Life of Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of being thankful for what you have. It's an attitude that can be cultivated and practiced on a daily basis. The benefits of living a life of gratitude are numerous, but here are just a few:

Gratitude helps us appreciate what we have in our lives

It fosters peace, happiness, and contentment with who we are and where we're at in life

It allows us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives instead of dwelling on negative ones (like money problems or relationship issues)

Living a Life of Balance

"What is a balanced life?"

"What are the benefits of living a balanced life?"

"How can you find balance in your life?"

Finding Joy in the Little Things

Joy is a state of being that comes from within. It's something you feel, not something you can buy or achieve. Joy is also something that we all want to experience more often in our lives, but it's not always easy to find it when life gets busy and stressful--especially if you're working on your vocation!

When we're feeling joyful, we tend to be happier with ourselves and others around us; we're more patient with our loved ones; and we have an overall sense of well-being about ourselves as human beings in this world. Joy helps us feel connected with other people because joy makes us feel good about ourselves as individuals who are contributing positively toward society at large.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help you find your life's work. Positive thinking means focusing on what you want, rather than what you don't have. When we focus on the negative or dwell on our problems, it can be easy to lose sight of what's important and get stuck in a rut. By focusing instead on the positive aspects of our lives, we're able to see how far we've come and how much further we still have left to go--and this helps us stay motivated as we pursue our goals!

Positive thinking also involves being grateful for what we already have rather than always striving for more: being grateful will make us happier overall because it allows us to appreciate everything that comes along with living in this world (including things like food). Gratitude isn't just something reserved for Thanksgiving; try practicing gratitude every day by writing down three things each night before bedtime that made your day better than if they hadn't happened (or even better yet--try doing this after every meal!).

Making the Most of Your Life

Making the most of your life means living it fully, in all its complexity and beauty. It's about finding joy in what you do, whether that's being a parent or pursuing a career path that brings meaning to your life.

Making the most of your life also means being authentic: being true to who you are and what matters most to you. This means taking risks and challenging yourself--but also accepting failure as part of growth and learning from it.

"It's not easy! But it's worth it!"

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"It's not easy, but it's worth it!" - Mike Gliem



