Greatness and Trust

Greatness and Trust

What makes a good leader? Why is it so difficult to find one??

These are questions that have been asked for centuries. The truth is, leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, there are certain qualities that are generally considered to be essential for effective leadership. In this article, we will explore some of these qualities and discuss why they are so difficult to find in today's world.

First and foremost, a good leader must have a clear vision. This means having a clear understanding of what they want to achieve and how they plan to get there. A vision provides direction and purpose, and it helps to inspire and motivate others. Without a clear vision, a leader may struggle to gain the trust and support of their team, and may struggle to achieve their goals.

A clear vision is important not only for the leader but for the entire team. It gives direction to the team members and helps them to understand the goals and objectives they are working towards. A vision helps team members to stay focused on their tasks and work together towards a common goal.

However, having a clear vision is not enough. A good leader must also be able to communicate that vision effectively. This means not only being able to articulate their vision clearly, but also being able to listen actively and respond to feedback. Communication is a two-way street, and a good leader must be able to engage in dialogue with their team in order to build trust and promote collaboration.

Communication skills are essential for a leader as they need to convey their message to the team members in a way that is clear, concise, and easily understandable. A leader who is able to communicate well is more likely to build a positive relationship with their team members, and is more likely to inspire and motivate them to work towards the common goal.

Empathy is another important quality for a good leader. This means having the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. A leader who is empathetic is able to connect with their team on a deeper level, and is more likely to be able to build a supportive and inclusive environment.

An empathetic leader is one who is able to listen to their team members and understand their problems and concerns. They are able to put themselves in their team members' shoes and see things from their perspective.This helps to build trust and respect between the leader and the team members, which in turn helps to improve communication and collaboration.

A good leader must also be decisive. This means having the ability to make tough decisions quickly and confidently. In order to make effective decisions, a leader must be able to gather information, weigh options, and consider the potential consequences of their actions.

Being decisive is important for a leader as they need to make decisions that will affect the entire team. A leader who is able to make quick and effective decisions is more likely to gain the trust and respect of their team members. However, it is important to note that being decisive does not mean being authoritarian or inflexible. A good leader must be able to balance their decisiveness with a willingness to listen to and consider differentviewpoints.

Honesty and integrity are also essential qualities for a good leader. A leader who is honest and transparent is more likely to build trust with their team, and is more likely to be seen as a credible and reliable authority figure.

An honest leader is one who is transparent about their actions and decisions. They are able to admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. This helps to build trust and respect with their team members, which in turn helps to improve communication and collaboration.

So why is it so difficult to find good leaders? One reason is that leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept, and it is not easy to develop all of the qualities that are necessary for effective leadership.

Now that we know what makes a great leader, I want to bring another dimension: TRUST.?

Leadership is an essential component of any successful team or organization. However, despite the importance of good leadership, many people do not trust their leaders. Here?some of the reasons why people may not trust their leaders and the consequences of this lack of trust.

Lack of Transparency

One of the primary reasons why people may not trust their leaders is a lack of transparency. When leaders are not forthcoming about their decisions, goals, and strategies, it can be difficult for people to trust them.

This lack of transparency can lead to suspicion and mistrust, which can have serious consequences for the team or organization. When people feel that they are being kept in the dark, they may begin to question the motives of their leaders and become less engaged in their work.


Another reason why people may not trust their leaders is inconsistency. When leaders say one thing and do another, it can quickly erode trust. People need to feel that a leader's actions align with their words. When leaders are inconsistent, it can be difficult for people to know what to expect, and they may become less motivated to follow their leader's lead.

Lack of Accountability

Leaders who do not take responsibility for their actions or hold themselves accountable for their mistakes can also erode trust. People need to feel that their leaders are willing to admit their faults and take steps to address them. When leaders refuse to take responsibility for their mistakes, it can be difficult for people to trust them in the future.

Lack of Competence

Leaders who lack the necessary skills or knowledge to effectively lead their team or organization can also lose the trust of their followers. People need to feel that their leaders are competent and capable of making the right decisions. When leaders are perceived as incompetent, people may question their ability to lead and may become less motivated to follow their lead.


Leaders who prioritize their own interests over those of their team or organization can also damage trust. People need to feel that their leaders are working for the greater good, not just their own personal gain. When leaders are perceived as self-serving, people may question their motives and become less committed to the team or organization.

Broken Promises

Leaders who make promises that they do not keep can also damage trust. People need to feel that they can rely on their leaders to follow through on their commitments. When leaders break their promises, people may become less likely to trust them in the future.

Lack of Empathy

Finally, leaders who lack empathy can also erode trust. People need to feel that their leaders understand and relate to their needs and concerns. When leaders are perceived as lacking in empathy, people may feel that their leaders do not care about them or their well-being.

Now that you know what erodes your trust, make a honest self assessment of your leadership. Mark the lines when you have one of those situations as a leader. Self Awareness is a powerful tool.

  • ?Lack of Transparency
  • Inconsistency
  • Lack of Accountability
  • Lack of Competence??
  • Self-Interest
  • Broken Promises
  • Lack of Empathy

What should you do to change this trust damage you create?

Greatness and Trust

A leader is in constantly challenge due the fact that movement creates change. And change is inevitable. Don’t copy formulas of leadership, your leadership is unique. Build followers not on likes, but on supportive actions and directions. Build trust to last, not to pursue short intentions.?

For me and the experience I have leading people, Greatness and Trust goes hand in hand and one supports each other.

Start practicing.


