The Greatest Trick of Poverty

The Greatest Trick of Poverty

The Greatest Trick of Poverty

The Greatest Trick of Poverty

The funny thing about chasing your dreams is that poverty must show up first.

This is one of the things that people have the hardest time accepting and that is completely fair. Why should one have to suffer before one laughs?

As weird as this may sound, it is true. It is part of the great duality of this world. Where one thing exists, the opposite equivalent must also exist. Therefore, in order to get to riches, one must first experience the opposite of riches, also known as poverty.

There Are Only Two Roads

To be more concise, neither riches or poverty are exclusive to money. Money, or the lack of money, isn’t the complete definition of either, respectively. In fact, there are only two roads in life: the road to prosperity and the road to poverty, and we are always on one of these roads, but never on both at the same time. Fortunately, we can never be on both roads at the same time, that would lead to life being far more complex than we need it to be and only a few people would be allowed to get to prosperity. But this isn’t true, all are allowed to get to prosperity. Yet, few get there because they do not understand the principle I am giving to you now. There are only two roads: the road to prosperity and the road to poverty, and we are always on one of these roads, but never on both at the same time. Right now, dear reader, at this very moment, you are ONLY on the road to prosperity or the road to poverty, this is a fact you will have to accept. Do you accept it?

How Do I Know Which Road Has Me?

When asking yourself, “Which road am I on?”, try not to get caught up in the harvest of your life, but the seed of your thoughts. Let me try to explain this because this can get more convoluted that I would like to admit. While the harvest of your life is a fantastic indicator of the seeds that you plant, sometimes your harvest has not caught up with you yet. Let me explain it this way. You can have poverty all around you, but be on the road to prosperity because you never reap in the same season in which you sow. In other words, some of you have left the road of poverty and are now on the road to prosperity, but you can’t see the fruit of your hard work yet. This is because of two factors that you have underestimated. Factor one: You still have an obligation to experience the harvest of the seeds you have planted while on the road to poverty. You cannot escape this. All planted seeds must come to harvest. Sometimes in life, we have changed our seeds, but we have not traveled passed all the other seeds we planted that do not serve us. So, we have to keep walking until we walk past the harvest we once planted. Yet, we are still on the road to prosperity. Factor two: You haven’t realized that the opposite of what you want must show up first, so you can enjoy what you truly desire to experience. Think of it this way. If you desire to eat a wonderful meal, you must first experience hunger in order for you to enjoy the meal. If you are not hungry, the meal won’t be beautiful anymore, it will be painful to eat. In a real sense, to enjoy a meal means you must first endure NOT enjoying a meal first. This is the same way life works. To enjoy prosperity, you must first enjoy NOT having prosperity first.

Did You Miss It?

Allow me to admit to you that I snuck in a very important detail that you may have missed. It isn’t my goal to deceive you, but I felt I had to in order for you to receive what I truly want you to receive. You see, I want you to understand the greatest trick of poverty, but if I tell you what it is up front, you won’t accept it for what it is. Therefore, I have been subliminally giving your messages and planting ideas in your mind that may not have been so evident to you at first. I will give you one of these now. Examine this sentence: To enjoy prosperity, you must first enjoy NOT having prosperity first. It is a completely loaded sentence. It is also very deceiving as well. I tricked your brain into accepting something I need for you to accept so I can finish this writing and give to you the greatest trick. I basically told you that no matter where you are on your journey, you must ENJOY it. Let’s examine it again. I told you, to enjoy prosperity, you must also enjoy not having prosperity. This is the greatest power that you can will for your good. Enjoy it all. To enjoy is your reasonable service and it is also the power that will help you endure the greatest trick of poverty. Even when you get the opposite of what you desire, it is your responsibility to enjoy that opposite. Don’t complain, enjoy.

So What Is It All About?

You don’t have a necessity to do anything but enjoy everything. You don’t have to grow to who you wish to be, you were that when you were born, adults just knocked it out of you and made you forget it all. There is no must in life. If there is, then that must equal relax and enjoy. You are what reality is wrapped up in your flesh. You are God in physical form. You simply forgot. Now, I am reminding you. In this universe, there is one great Energy, but we have no name for it. We have tried to name it… God, Tao, Source, Allah, etc. Whatever is your preference is just fine, just don’t forget that you are that great Energy. This is why you have the power to give life to your dreams or give life to the destruction of them. Death is just the other face of this great Energy and there is nothing in this world, but that Energy. When you remember that you are this Energy, this is when you begin to change your life for the better.

The Greatest Trick To Poverty Revealed

I want you to think of poverty as energy because it is. It is an energy that serves you unless you try to stay in this energy longer than you need. You can actually say the same thing about prosperity. Prosperity serves you unless you try to stay in this energy too long. Whether prosperity or poverty, if you stay in either too long, you will lose touch with reality and those living within it. If you have been rich your whole life and never have a real relationship with people in poverty, you will form views that are unfair. On the other end of the spectrum, if you have been poor your whole life, and never have a real relationship with those in riches, you will form unfair opinions of the rich.

The greatest trick of poverty is showing you money on the way to your dreams. Here is why: when you don’t enjoy both the good and the bad, you will allow money to make you settle for things you don’t want and jobs that delay you from getting to your dreams. Regardless of the amount of money you are awarded, living your dreams will always lead to more riches and happiness because you will vibrate at the frequency of pure joy. Poverty has a beautiful way of distraction you with money and the only people concerned with money are the people who don’t have it. I know the money you decide to follow your dreams, money is going to show up as temporary comfort. You can’t enjoy the fruit of prosperity without poverty tricking you into settling for smaller riches. I challenge all of you to pay attention to what is happening behind the scenes of you chasing your dreams.

Poverty has a beautiful way of distraction you with money and the only people concerned with money are the people who don’t have it. I know the money you decide to follow your dreams, money is going to show up as temporary comfort.
Antonio T Smith Jr- The Greatest Trick of Poverty

Don’t settle. Enjoy. Don’t get angry. Enjoy.

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