“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” [quote by Robert Swan, OBE]
Dan MacDonald, P.Eng.
Infrastructure Engineering Leader Who Excels in the Design & Construction of Innovative Bridges, Light & Heavy Rail, Highways, Hydroelectric Tunnels, Mining, and More | With Expertise in Securing Major Contracts.
#infrastructure #nature #survival #engineering #habitat
This interesting quote by Robert Swan, OBE , appeared on the cover of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies | and is so skillfully stated in my mind.
Writing from a top of mind perspective this morning, as we all move through the blurry lines of a pandemic.
I have been thinking alot about the imprint we leave on each other, as well as that on the environment. For myself it is always great to work on infrastructure projects where green infrastructure such as this can be incorporated. Providing such things as a forest canopy during this roadway widening project [top right photo] avoiding warm water temperatures so aquatic life can survive, Much like us collectively working hard worldwide to overcome/work through the pandemic.
We are not independent, we are in reality Interdependent-On-Each-Other/Our Environment for our very survival. Basically if you had breakfast, thank a farmer, crop grower or harvester, or essential worker in this new era, the list is endless...
As an engineer building Canada's infrastructure, it leaves me with a good feeling when one has provided not only an engineered/economic solution, but more importantly one which leaves a positive environmental footprint when infrastructure needs to improved or built.
? Curious what my LI colleagues think of green infrastructure, such as this example???
Stay Strong, Be Safe, and continue to practice safe distancing as we move through our current challenge collectively.
Dan MacDonald, P.Eng.
Original/similar topic articles for those so inclined can be found in my LI publication list.
Supporting Highway Infrastructure Through the Use of Green Steepened Slopes as an Environmentally Sustainable Method of Construction on the Canadian Landscape
Mechanically Stabilized Earth - Vegetated Steepened Slope System 96th Avenue Roadwork’s, Surrey, British Columbia