The greatest threat in #American history
The greatest threat in #American history is the current @GOP #policies of #greed, #ignorance & #hate … no longer the party of #Lincoln, but of #Trump. A president who brags of assaulting women, discriminating against #women, #LGBQ, #Muslims, #Christians of color while lying to your face because he believes you to be too ignorant to know... or too disinterested to @Google it.
No longer the party of Union, but of #division & #destruction. In 22mo they supported selling #guns to people on the No-Fly-List or the #Mentaly Ill, given encouragement to #White #Supremacies & #Religious Fanatics, destabilize the #World #Security, given cover to #Rapists & #DomesticAbusers. Made it legal to #discriminate. Removed liability from corporations from #Stealing your money, from #poison your #Water, #Air & #Food. Took the #Vote away from millions of #American #Citizens. Attacked the #Constitution. Defunded the #government to give #Tax Cuts to #corporations & the #rich (at their peak of earnings)
Illegally took #children from their parents, placing them in the hands of untrained #mercenaries exposing some of those #children to #SexuralAbuse & scaring all of them for the audacity of “asking US for help”
When I went to #church they taught me “God is love” & told of the Good Samaritan… of #charity & the #commandments; thou will not #lie, #steal, #kill or worship false idols like #Trump, #Tribalism or #Money; or to take the #lord s name in vain. Obviously, they don’t teach that anymore.
These are NOT rational #Domestic & #Foreign #policies.
This is not the #America I voted for... why would you?
Values & principles are things one defends not sells out for short-term gain. They are not fluid as water.
Would #Jesus carry a #gun, chant “Jews will not replace us” or blaming the victims of #GunViolence, #children & the elderly for not having armed guards, concede guns or bulletproof vest? Its the ease of access to #guns & our lack of access to mental #healthcare that makes our #gun #homicides & #MassShoot the highest in the world… it’s not the victims' fault for not shooting back. The @GOP & #Trump don’t care about you, your values, your #faith, your #family. They care about #money
#Vote for what is right!! For affordable #healthcare, quality #schools, for #safe street, clean #water & #air & the defence of your #ConstitutionalRights & ALL of our #HumanRights…. NOT #Ignorance, NOT #greed & NOT #hate
I want a country the defends #values, protects lives & invests in everyone #health, #education & prosperity. Where no one is oppressed. Where no one is discriminated against. And where this country can be its best, because it allows its people to be theirs.
That’s what I vote for in every election. Not legalizing #drug addiction, because the dealers cut us into the #profits. Not supporting #dictators, so they will buy #weapons from us. Not destroy our land or bankrupt our families’ livelihood for someone else’s #profit. I believe in the ideal America that lives in the hearts of every #human, the one that supports #Life, #Liberty & what should be the #American way!