The greatest missed opportunity Covid-19!
Curtis Gregor
Changing the world one person at a time!! A developer with a strong calling to help those in need.
Coved-19 is the greatest opportunity that Education and the Christian churches, and some businesses have seen in my lifetime. I see the world through different lenses I agree. I have reached out to a couple of businesses since March 21 to offer a different perspective on what Coved-19 means in our world. I respect the power Covid-19 has in the world. I avoid physically visiting many people or limit it because I do not want to accept my responsibility for making someone sick by being negligent. I limit when and where I go and I wear a mask when shopping to do my part to limit the spread of Covid-19. These numbers are not the opportunity that I am talking about.
I have watched churches respond or continue per traditional messages through different delivery methods. The education system is trying to provide the best solutions they can devise to move education forward with a limited understanding of what the problem is. Agriculture, which I no longer have the physical capacity to preform, has a huge opportunity. I have seen where some small businesses have adapted readily to opportunities, where are more? The problem of Covid-19 is that it is a 5-month-old infant with no parenting book for most of us.
I see Covid-19 as an opportunity that has not been present before in my lifetime. Now and only now, admittedly on a social-cultural dwindling power curve, Covid-19 has forced most people to open their minds to different ideas. Where are the visionaries? I see opportunities for churches that I have not seen considered. I have not been able to secure a response when I have contacted some of them. Is everyone scared of the change that has to happen? Are most people only able to focus on reacting? Now is the time to change historical procedures to receive greater rewards. See things differently and the future will change to match what you see.
Let’s Lead instead of React.