Greatest Manifestation Principle
Book: “The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World: How Quantum Physics and Spirituality Can Enable You to Manifest Your Best Life,” Carnelian Sage, Think-Outside-the-Book, Inc.,2nd edition, 2022.
Book Review by Mary Mikawoz
This second edition book by Carnelian Sage is worth it. The beginning of the book starts off with praise from various people but then overall, it is a very quick read and is full of very good information spread throughout.
I have found many of the points are based on my years of study into quantum physics, the law of attraction or manifestation and also spirituality. I have actually gleaned much of the knowledge from reviewing good NDEs or Near Death Experiences. Strange as this may sound, people come back from the other side with great insights, knowledge and messages. Once put together, they are a wealth of knowledge and information.
I found myself highlighting many passages in various colours not because the information to me was necessarily new because, I kept on saying, “Yes!”
I won't give the messages away of the book. I think it is more important to read it and absorb the wonderful knowledge. It is, in many respects a culmination of gathered information over the years.
Based on how I feel on many decades of reviewing spiritual type of books, I give this book a 5 out of 5 and highly recommend it. Just so you know, Carnelian Sage is a pseudonym for her identity and she has written 10 other books along the same genre and vein.
For more book reviews, check out my wordpress website under Mary Mikawoz specifically under the category of Book Reviews.
Tags: Mary Mikawoz, Carnelian Sage, Think-Outside-the-Book, quantum physics, energy, law, attraction, manifestation, spirit, soul, God, Universe, Divine, Source, Love, psychology, insight, information, meaning, life, emotion, feeling, brain, mind, flow, resistance, light, power,
@MaryMikawoz @Mikawoz @CarnelianSage @ThinkOutsidetheBook #quantumphysics #energy #law #attraction #manifestation #spirit #soul #God #Universe #Divine #Source #Love #psychology #insight #information #meaning #life #emotion #feeling #brain #mind #flow #resistance #light #power