The Greatest Magnifying Glasses In The World Are Man′s Own Eyes And When They Look Upon His Own Person - Alexandre Pope

The Greatest Magnifying Glasses In The World Are Man′s Own Eyes And When They Look Upon His Own Person - Alexandre Pope

The ideas and comments throughout the article are based on reading the book “FactFulness” - Hans Rosling.

Basically the book starts from the principle “why things are better when you think”, on the vision of seeing the current world. A fact-based world view. The author writes that by listening to how people and populations misinterpreted the facts even when these facts were in front of them. To Look at Humanity and the Planet in its negative facts: wars, violence, natural disasters, diseases, pandemics, disasters caused by Humanity, corruption at all levels, violations of basic human rights and rights.

The author proposes a world view in more positivist way, not leaving aside the positive and constructive criticism. As he writes he proposes: "My lifelong mission is to fight against devastating global ignorance”.

He presents the factual basis with the aim of transforming the instinctual instincts and instinctual reactions.

Instincts are born in very primitive Man that are manifested themselves physically, mentally and emotionally with more animalistic evidence.

The instincts in primitive Man had as a means of defense and struggle for survival. Contemporary Man contains the same instincts inherited from the primitive. The manifestations of the primitive instincts are still in most cases to the 21st century.

These instincts do not stop and while the Human Being lives on this Planet these instincts are always accompanying Human Being inside. Nobody can eliminate instincts.

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Great scholars, sages and scientists they are studied all sort of instincts of the Human Being.

Many studies in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, studies in the fields of all religions, studies in the areas of spirituality and mysticism are trying to understand the instincts to find out solutions to alleviate the suffering of Humanity.

I quote: (Instincts are formidable life forces. If we try to stifle them, either we don’t succeed and we exhaust ourselves in the struggle, or we do succeed, which is no better, since we dry up the springs of life within us. So, how should we control our instincts? By cherishing a high ideal, for it is the best transformer of energies. When we place a very high ideal in our heart and soul, our energies cannot avoid passing by way of it, and our ideal takes on the task of giving our energies another direction, of directing them higher. You may be wondering what processes lead to this transformation. You do not need to know. When we eat, we do not need to know the detail about the changes that occur, first in our mouth and then in our stomach and intestines, but we sense that we have received forces. It is the same with the high ideal: if we support it with our best thoughts, feelings and wishes, it changes our instinctive impulses, and the energies produced by this change in turn support our psychological and spiritual life – and our physical life too, for nothing in us is separate.) - Omraam Mikha?l Aivanhov

 - Instinct of Negativity

Negativity to notice the bad rather than the good. It is more accurate in the most pessimistic people than in the more optimistic people.

Optimists are also negative. Negativity in all its context encompasses, in one way or another, more or less pessimistic people and optimistic people.

All negativity influences all kind of people.

Negativity presents itself when we look at the world and we are facing wars in all forms, natural disasters, corruption, diseases, financial austerity, mass unemployment, pandemics, acts of violence and terror, racism, xenophobia, terrorism, Taliban’s.

When people mind this world look, they not only mind but they feel, too. They feel uncomfortable and unwell.

They start creating images. They start to see images but now hologram-like images. Imagined images that most of the time become illusions. Imagined images but negative illusions about the world.

To transform all negativity the author invites to use the technique of “FactFulness”.

1 - trying to balance the bad news with the good news or the bad information’s with the good information’s.

2- trying to understand that bad news or bad information’s are considered as individual and group prevention for greater surveillance.

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We have the great motto from the words of the President of the United States, Mr. Ronald Reagan who badly fought the empire of communism. He has used the great motto: “Trust But Verify”.

I quote: (Daily life never fails to present us all with occasions for being worried, sad or discouraged, with all negativity around, does it? But you have to react. Rather than sit there and do nothing except swallow tablets and ear people out with their complaints and negativity, forgetting that you too face the same difficulties, try to work with your thoughts and your imagination. See yourself surrounded by light, imagine you are sending out love and peace and harmony to the whole world, that you are overcoming every obstacle. Gradually those images you are forming will come alive, will have an effect on your consciousness, will transform you, and at the same time they will attract suitable elements from the universe to become part of you.) - Omraam Mikha?l Aivanhov

By imagination with imagined images of peace, love, harmony and gratitude you fight the negatives.

 - Instinct of Fear

Fear is one the instincts inherited from very primitive Man and animals. Fear aims for Man to get defense to himself and survive. In modern times all perceptions of fears are still in the Man of the 21st century. On a daily basis we face fears. These fears are based on:

1 - physical damage, to survive and to live. To overcome death: in acts of violence, diseases, attacks against the human person in different ways.

2 - captivity, freeing from feeling imprisoned: kidnappings, violations of the right to freedom, loss of control, loss of freedom.

3 - contamination: fear of being affected by contagious diseases, affected by the damage from climate change, affected by public health diseases, nuclear war, pandemics.

Through the mechanism of “FactFulness” the author proposes to mitigate the fear of recognizing how much the most frightening things are not necessarily, the most devastating and dangerous things, too. Latent fears in the Human Being of a very primitive Man leads us to systematically overestimate events in an unhealthy way.

? the risk of…………………….........................

brings with it the fear of doing this or that………………………

Risk = danger X exposure

The only solution is a mindfully to be able to transform the fear and the suffering of the Human Being.

I quote: (Overcoming fear- the secret of serenity: Try to overcome the fear on its all forms. When you deceive yourself that you work for the well – being and the good for the all, it makes matters worse, for you should not be guided by your own ideas of what is good for others. A Man who always claims to know everything what is good for others is really so dangerous.) - Omraam Mikha?l Aivanhov

Well, try to become calm, stop and listen, in serenity way and slow like a turtle facing fears and then make action.

 - Instinct of Guilty

To find out a clear, simple and immediate reason why something bad has happened.

The instinct of guilty leads us to exaggerate the importance of an individual or group, in particular. This instinct of guilt to immediately find out a culprit for everything that badly happens. It disorients our ability to develop a true understanding of the underlying facts of the world. There is usually a slang-words that says: (Guilty always dies unmarried. He doesn't like marriage).

The instinct of guilty when we focus on someone guilty to escape responsibility, blocks our responsibility, blocks our learning, blocks our energy to resolve.

The instinct of guilty has its reverse “to praise someone”. When everything goes very well for the beneficiaries of the acquisition of some good or some well-being there is the instinct to "praise someone or to praise a group in greatness".

To point out the “FactFulness” to mitigate or trying to transform the instinct of guilty reveals us to draw positive energy from the ability to resolve and face challenges.

Trying to resist this instinct as much as possible is to try to shift the focus to that person or a group when the guilt appears. Imagined image with a imagined language to blame someone and when there are bad situations.

Trying to comprehend comprehensively and to expand the energy for infinite causes based on the system, itself, or on the systems in which the bad events happen.

(The instinct of guilty arises when it is linked to justice. It comes from the primitive Man. To be guilty comes from animals connected to justice e.g. some domestic animal, a cat that has stolen something from the kitchen its whole attitude expresses a guilty conscience. Look at the small cat when the domestic-maid starts scolding and to blame the sweet-cat. The sweet-cat runs away and tries to hide in any corner of the kitchen and it runs away flees to the street very scared and scared-meowing. Nature has given every creature an innate sense of justice that brings in our subconsciousness the instinct of guilty.) - based on thoughts of Omraam Mikha?l Aivanhov


José Maria Dias de Oliveira



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