The greatest lesson
Photo by Canva

The greatest lesson

I recently celebrated my birthday (ok, I’m still celebrating, because I think ones birthday should be celebrated more than just one day. Agree?), and I’ve been thinking about everything I have experienced over the past year... and I asked myself:

"What was the greatest lesson I learned?"

And two words immediately came to my mind as the answer:


I thought about the days when I chose gratitude... and how happy I was (even if things weren't "perfect").

And then I thought about the days when I didn't... and how unsatisfied I felt (even if things were "perfect").

So I made a decision to CHOOSE GRATITUDE this year at every chance I get.

Gratitude for the big stuff... but also gratitude for the seemingly "little" stuff.

Here's what I'm doing and I'm encouraging you to do the same. Find ONE thing every day to be grateful for. Write it in your journal in the morning. Focus on that thing throughout the day. If you can distract yourself away from the stuff that’s not going well, and onto something that makes you feel good, you have won.?

How so? you might ask.

Because gratitude brings you in alignment with your inner being and everything that you want in life. Disconnection, on the other hand, brings more of what you don’t want.?


Let me end this by expressing my deep gratitude for?YOU!

It's an honor to get to connect with you here and something I don't take lightly.

With gratitude,

Unni ????

PS:?What is ONE thing you’re struggling with right now??Something that keeps you up at night or you can’t stop thinking about? Post in the comments or DM me. it will make you feel better to get it off your chest, I promise!


