How the Greatest Military Leaders Dominated and How You Can Too.

How the Greatest Military Leaders Dominated and How You Can Too.

Book review of "The 33 Strategies of War" by Robert Green.

Don't depend on the enemy not coming; depend rather on being ready for him. -Napoleon Bonaporte

When we are thinking about war, most of us will have the typical photo as the one in the header in mind. Many of us, believes that war is a battle between two or more groups in continuous conflict for a moral or economical cause, but that is simply not the truth. We think that to win a war you need to kill the greatest amount of people from the opposite side. Most people will argue against warfare and explain how bad it is, and that it is something to resist and have at distance.

War and power are tabu subject in our society, but this book was hands-down the most educational book that I have ever read. What did I receive from War, and what can you learn from this book that can probably change your life?

The problem for us is that we are trained and prepared for peace and we are not at all prepared for what confront us in the real world. - Julius Cesar

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with war. I remember I persuaded my mother to buy me every major history book about Hannibal, Julius Ceasar and my all time favorite; Napoleon. My dream was to become a general in charge of a big army and take over the whole world. Back then, I had this stereotypical perspective about war but now, almost 14 years later, it has changed forever. Downunder you can see I drawing I made when I was 6 years old; pretty insane how big of an impression war gave me during my childhood.

Our success and failure in life can be traced to how well or how badly we deal with inevitable conflicts that confront us in a society. - Napoleon Bonaporte

Understand; most wars are psychological, not physical. War, for me, have uncovered a totally different and meaningful significance. Warfare is about how to deal with major conflict in your life. Having a strategy on how to deal with different type of conflicts, is as valuable as anything else. It is up to how you want to deal with your problems, but one thing is for sure; it's better to know how to deal with them before they happen. Us as human beings are constantly fighting against ourselves in an infinite quest for happiness and personal glory. But how can we achieve our goals if we do not know how to fight and defend them? By understanding strategic warfare, we can develop a mindset who is prepared to deal a high-stake situation that life presents to us.

If you feel lost and confused, if you lose your sense of dedication, if you cannot tell the differentence between friends and foe, you have only yourselves to blame. - Robert Greene

Most people wants to see you fail. People craves the excitement of seeing you lose your emotional battle against yourselves. In a war, your enemies can never read your thoughts. They must make your appearance their guide, and read the signs you give off to them. If you understand warfare you can deal with your problems, but most important than all, understand which battles that are worth fighting for. If you have a sense of purpose you will frighten your enemy away and be ready for endless warcalled; life. By understanding the dynamic on how to destroy your enemies will be important, but most important than all, is it to know how to win the most important battle of them all; the one against yourselves.

So to win a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence; the highest excellence is to subdue the enemy's army without fighting at all. - Sun-tzu


