The Greatest Leader In The World
The greatest leaders in the world are also the greatest servants of those they lead. They think deeply about the ones working for them in the way others don't. The most powerful guide to a servant leader must be (as you sow so shall you reap). What you sow is what you'll reap.
Great leaders know a good education yields the kind of knowledge good for chats at the waterhole and a lifetime of debt for those who pursue it.
But great leaders also know experience developed by trial and error yields awesome authoritative know-how which is good for productivity to get (it) done right with the greatest efficiency.
Because it suits the direct needs of an organization in the scope business needs it. Great leaders are not afraid to travel against the status quo and are often contrarian thinkers.
To successfully harvest tribal know-how organizations should embrace knowledge transfer in a way that encourages those with valuable know-how to share with those who lack it.
By promoting those with the know-how to work smarter not harder; rewarding those who possess the know-how a prize of a recurring residual percentage of every person's profit they teach and encourage the guru teach others to match their capabilities leaving nothing behind companies gain far more from these than anything else.
Because doing this provides the greatest return on a companies investments to multiply a particular talent that is scarce and extremely valuable in the market place.
Doing this causes all who have such value to work in a way that creates greater masters than themselves since there is wisdom in doing so without fear of losing job security for they could lose their job tomorrow and continue to collect on their investment in others years to come.
Like an author who owns a copyright on a work so too will those with exceptional experience empower the organization to levels never before achieved. This is something only servant leaders would do.
People who learn by trial and error come to know the most about what works, how it works and why it works from what does not work. If more business practice this there would be more productivity and the greatest efficiency in the workplace.
All would have an opportunity to make a sustainable income from those investments they make in self-study on their own time.
This would encourage more know-how and less education of a particular thing. Fact is a class teaches a subject so broadly it yields 99% retaining only 2-5% of what they learn which in turn yields only 1-2% of job transferable value.