The Greatest Injustice We Do to Ourselves as Business Owners

The Greatest Injustice We Do to Ourselves as Business Owners

In life and in business, it’s all too easy to get caught up in what we don’t have. Our minds are always scanning for what’s missing—what’s unfair, what’s unjust. We look at the successes of others and think, “If only I had that, things would be easier. If only I had their systems, their clients, their resources, I’d finally reach the level I want.”

But the truth is, the greatest injustice we face is often the one we do to ourselves—by not fully appreciating or recognizing what we already have right now.

As a business owner, I’ve been there. Constantly chasing the next milestone, pushing for that next big goal, and at times, feeling like I’m never doing enough. It can be exhausting, even disheartening.

But then, I think about my kids. ??

A Personal Reminder of Success

My purpose, at the end of the day, is to matter. To know that I’m important to someone else. And when I remember my two boys and little girl, I realize I’ve already achieved something invaluable. No matter how today goes, no matter the challenges in business, I know I’ve inspired them to never give up on their dreams. I’m already enough in their eyes.

It’s a humbling reminder of the importance of my message—make more, work less—so that I can spend more time with the ones who matter most.

This doesn’t mean I don’t want to improve. We should all strive to grow and evolve. But the key is balance. Appreciating where you are while still working towards where you want to be.

The Business Trap: Comparing Ourselves to Others

In business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. We look at competitors or larger companies and think:

  • “They have more resources.”
  • “They have better systems.”
  • “They’ve got it easier because they have money or connections.”

But here’s the reality: you already have more than you realize. You have the potential, the knowledge, the drive—it’s all within you right now. It might take more hustle or grit to get there, but you can still do it.

The systems, clients, and resources will come, but they won’t mean much if you’re constantly chasing what’s next without valuing what you have today.

The Balance Between Appreciating and Growing

Success isn’t just about constantly moving forward. It’s about knowing that where you are now is part of the journey—and that, in itself, is worth appreciating. It’s not a matter of settling; it’s about balancing the ambition to grow with gratitude for what’s already been built.

What About You?

If you take a moment to reflect, what’s one thing you already have—whether in life or business—that you’re truly grateful for? Is it your team? Your resilience? Your creativity?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Drop a comment below and share something you’re proud of in your journey. Let’s start a conversation about the power of appreciating the present while building the future.

Final Thoughts

Growth and ambition are essential to business success, but so is balance. Recognize your potential. Appreciate what you have. And know that you’re already enough to make it happen.

Call to Action: If you’re ready to dive deeper into unlocking your business potential while appreciating what you’ve built, feel free to reach out. I’m offering a 15-minute strategy session where we can explore how you can get the most out of what you already have.

#MindsetShift #BusinessSuccess #Appreciation #Entrepreneurship
