Have you heard the story of Napolean Bonaparte and the spider ? Well, most probably yes. Just think a bit, if that spider would have never failed and had been successful in spinning its web the first time, then would it have inspired the king to get up again and try? No is the answer. That is why failure has been assigned an important level in the game of success. If you haven't failed, you won't know your weaknesses nor will you work to overcome them. You will be in an illusion that everything's perfect and this will prove to be your doom when you attempt to win the next time.
We humans, are born to be imperfect and have flaws. These limitations of ours often become the reason for failure. But this life has been given to us in order to improve and be a better version of ourselves. The above quote by the notable first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela emphasizes this idea only. It is basic human nature to break down and get defeated. But the real victory lies in getting up and fighting against destiny to achieve your desired goal. Never would you see the absence of failures in the life story of a successful and popular person. It is impossible to be perfect but someone who is fated to be different will always find a way to overcome their weaknesses and enhance their strengths only to be unbeatable in the future.
There are innumerable examples of the above point- Steve Jobs was fired from his own company, Henry Fold went bankrupt before starting the Ford Motor Company; Thomas Edison and his colleagues tested thousands of materials before creating the carbon-filament lightbulb; J. K. Rowling received twelve rejections before the first Harry Potter book was published. If I carry on, there would be more than a thousand listed, but that's not the point. The aim is to establish an idea over the fact that failure is an important credential of success. Over the course of time, countless men and women have proved this and will continue till the end of life on Earth.
But this doesn't at all means everyone who fails will succeed, if this was the case, Google would have had more than a hundred CEOs at a given time. The whole thing depends upon the sheer determination and hard work the individual is ready to put up for the sake of the goal. Not everyone has the capability to sacrifice their hobbies, get rid of their distractions, and lose interest in doing works they love only to see themselves as a highly respected and successful personality.
?"Self-confidence and hard work will always earn you success", "Whatever you want to do, do with full passion and work really hard towards it. do not look anywhere else. There will be a few distractions, but if you can be true to yourself, you will be successful for sure."- VIRAT KOHLI. One of the greatest personages to be looked upon for inspiration and motivation on how to overcome weaknesses and make yourself so strong that no one among your competitors can beat you anymore, whenever people hear about your profession, your name and image appear in their mind. If you are a cricket fan, you must have known about the long lean patch of 2020-mid 2022 he has to go through for the first time in his career. But it raised his standards even more when he made that mind-boggling comeback after a break. He proved that a strong will and patience can make you achieve the entire world.
So keep challenging yourself and get rid of the fear of failure. Believe that you are the best and no one can beat you till it becomes overconfidence. Don't stop thinking you can fail, as one who participates in the race has always a chance compared to those who refused to even join.