You give to yourself ...

During this time of the virus, we have the opportunity to develop new skills; new skills for leadership, teamwork, better relationships and better yet, knowing ourselves. This article is on a foundational skill that will teach you how to control your focus and therefore, see different perspectives, remain calm through challenges, suffer less and thus, make better decisions. It also is a way of being, that will help you in all aspects of life.

On returning to human being from human doing ...

Let's start with all you need to know about the "journey" of personal growth in 2 sentences:

"Early in the journey you wonder how long the journey will take and whether you will make it in this lifetime. Later you will see that where you are going is HERE and you will arrive you stop asking." -Ram Dass, Be Here Now

Many people have asked me, "But how do I get THERE?"

My response: there is no "there" there. 

It's all right here and it's all inside of you.

So people ask, "If it's all right here, how come I still have craving, grasping and aversion?" 

My response is because When we resist those, and when we seek to numb those by going outside of ourselves, such as for alcohol, drugs, workaholism, power, control, neediness, sex, manipulation, living vicariously through others (sporting and even cultural events can be this), etc, rather than going inside, we are going external to ourselves.

Why not give yourself a gift? 

During this time of the virus and the quarantine that probably comes within a few days, during this period where we can't go to bars and restaurants, football games, etc, where we can't work more, do more ...

During this time when we can't Do what we've been doing all of our lives: become more human doings ... 

than human beings . . .

Why not try something different?

Instead of turning on the TV and looking for something external to numb the boredom...

Instead of finding ways to "pass the time" ...

Give yourself the gift 

It starts with learning to go inwardly.

It doesn't matter what you call it, meditation, mental focusing (or defocusing) or whatever.

Just sit in silence.

You may wish to place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly.

Focus on breathing into your belly. If this is challenging for you, simply push your hand out with your belly until this becomes easier. You can also try it by laying on the floor.

Notice that your mind is like a clear blue sky. Notice that clouds enter that sky. The clouds are your thoughts, feelings, emotions, bodily sensations. They come and they go. One moment there is peace, the next moment, there are one or more distractions (clouds). 

There's no law that says you have to follow those sensations. You can simply notice them and bring your mind back to your breath.

Are you feeling bored?

Notice the feeling of boredom ... And bring your mind back to the breath

Are you feeling happy, sad, scared, joyful ... ?

Notice the feeling ... And bring your mind back to the breath

Do you have an itch?

Notice The sensation ... And allow it to be without scratching it. Then bring your mind back to the breath

Are you feeling angry or resisting the current situation?

Notice the feeling ... And bring your mind back to the breath

Also ...

Notice what you feel in your body

You may wish to scan your body to feel the sensations ...

Reacquaint yourself with the feelings of your body, the feelings you knew as a small child when you were pre verbal or post verbal but during childhood amnesia, through age seven

We are feeling beings.

Our society has turned us into "unfeeling doings."

This leads to repression and suppression of our feelings, which has led to disease. Now some people might read that and say that sounds airy fairy, But there's actually a tremendous amount of science that backs that one sentence. You don't have to believe it for now, I can explain it to you or you can Google it and read up on it.

Now is a wonderful opportunity to regain many of the capabilities that we lost as a society as adults. With this skill, we laid the foundation for other capabilities and thus, a better life.

Now is an opportunity to be brave enough to learn how to ...



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