The Greatest enemy of "Great"?
Happy Coach reading a book

The Greatest enemy of "Great"

Do you know what is the greatest enemy of great?

Yes, it is simply settling for "good".

As some of you may be aware, I have joined the financial advisory industry.

During our weekly coaching sessions yesterday, Willy Tan, my agency leader, reminded us that the industry can either pay you $1000 every month, or $10, 20 or even 30k per month. There is hardly any in between...

This industry is well known for having an extremely high drop out rate.

Why is that so?

I give you 3 reasons, all related to my main theme, spelling out the acronym "EAT" :

1. Expectation

If you come in with the expectation of just "getting by", most of the time, you won't get by.

In fact, after a while, you will find yourself working harder and not getting the results you desire.

You find yourself really, really frustrated, wondering why you left your previous well paying job to join this industry and earn even less.

Not just that, being shunned by friends and even family who think that you are just out there meeting them to close another sale.

Sucks right?

It is indeed not surprising at all why most people drop out of this industry after 1 or 2 years, just to go back where they come from with tails between their legs.

2. Actions

Your expectations determine your actions.

If you start off with a goal of just earning 1, 2 or 3k per month, your mindset and actions will be geared towards that.

You will do "just enough".

Going that extra mile for your prospects or clients is like cutting off an arm or a leg from your body.




I won't do it. I can't do it.

You will start giving yourself excuses just to console yourself and give yourself a pat on the back.

However, if you have different expectations, and you really want to make this career work for you, you will do much, much more.

It is not about having not enough time, energy or resources.

It is about asking,"Who can help me in this area? Who can I collaborate with? Who can I give and sow value into?"

It is about looking for possibilities and options.

Not dwelling on impossibilities and improbables. Or things you absolutely have no control over e.g. COVID.

3. Tenacity

Hustling is overrated.

The keyword should be tenacity: knowing what you want and going for it with determination.

Not aimlessly bumming around hoping for lady luck to shine.

Tenacity is also about stepping out of your comfort zone. Of stretching yourself daily, even if it is just 1%.

It is about discontentment: not settling for less because you know you can and you will.

Anyway, this post is really for myself.

So that Facebook will remind me 10 years down the road, when I have blessed many people with sound financial advice and helped them achieve their goals for their life.

But if you have learnt something from it, feel free to share it.

50 more days to end of 2020.






Happy Coach




