The Greatest of all is Charity
Bethel Evangelistic And Rehab...Centre
Director & Senior Pastor at Bethel Evanggelistic And Rehabilitation Centre
What is Biblical Charity? Charity is the epitome of perfection in Christian life. Obviously, the Christian life reaches its pinnacle in the practice of charity. The word Charity comes from the French word "charité", and this word was translated in to Latin as “Caritas”. And the New Testament translation of this word is “Agape”. When the word agape is used in the context of vertical action (God toward man and/or man toward God), it is translated as “Love”. When the word agape is used in the context of horizontal actions (man toward neighbor or enemy), it is translated as "charity."
Charity therefore is benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity and it is showing generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering. Charity means participating in tangible acts of loving-kindness toward all others (friend or enemy) in unconditional and self-sacrificial ways. In the new Testament alone the word used 29 times. It is the greatest of the three abiding virtues. (1.Corinthians.13:13) Apostle Peter, tells to add to our faith; “Charity” as the 7th Virtue. (2.Peter.1:5-7)
Apostle John encouraged the saints, "Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church..." (3 John 1:5-6). In all of these passages, charity describes the love of the saints for others. Most of the time, it refers to other believers: toward each other, among yourselves, to the brethren. In one case (3 John 1:5-6), it includes strangers. But in them all, God is referring to the special love that believers should have for others.
Charity accomplished by networking of Kingdom People:-Net working – Lord Jesus Way: What is net working? It, simply means, that an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information or the like.
In ( Mathew 14, Mark.6, Luke:9 and John 6) the Gospels, Lord Jesus had a “retreat” and over 5000 besides women and children were present for the meeting. It was almost getting dark, when the disciples pressed the Master, to send the people home so that they may buy food in hotels and eat. “GIVE YE THEM TO EAT”, was the command of Lord Jesus! Apostle Philip, calculated, the amount needed, the number of people there to eat and suggested his opinion. After some discussions, Andrew, comes out with a solution….may be fearfully and said that he found a boy with a dinner box, which contained 5 barley loaves and just 2 fishes. People were fed, as the 12 apostles were active is distributing the dinner. And after the miraculous dinner, apostles were assigned to collect the remaining stock of food –not junk that dogs would eat—real food and each of the 12 apostle had to carry the food baskets to a secure place.
God’s kingdom work is a huge networking of Kings, Priests, prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, prayer warriors. men women, young people, children, musicians, Artists, Worship leaders, technical experts in every field, business people, churches, organizations etc…All ends up with a common goal of “Taking the Agape Charity to people who badly need it.”
Bethel, in India has a compelling divine mission, vision and destiny. It is like the Ark Of Noah, ---of the last days –loading in the ark full of people; sailing to the shore of eternity. And the responsibility of sustaining them is a huge responsibility. The Lord Who commanded to build the Ark, just for 8 people and all kinds of soft, domestic, wild and killer animals food and water and comfort many many days. Our work is a GOD LEANED AND PRAYER ORIENTED ONE. All our needs must be met by the people of God, who pray, and then led by the Holy Spirit to partner with us.
How trustworthy are We?: The present day trend is that individuals, groups, charities, churches, funding agencies, would not come forward to pray, support, partner and contribute to any work, “if they do not know us personally”. How is it possible for anyone who lives across 7 seas to have a personal encounter, unless either they take the initiative and visit us or simple TRUST, us with our legal credentials?
We are a Registered Indian, NATIONAL NGO. And we are almost 30 years old. We are a trust worthy, tax-exempted and an accountability oriented Society. The LIVING GOD TRUSTS US! And therefore, you too can trust us.
As the Director of Bethel, I appeal for your prayer, and involvement in our Christ Centered missions and ministry. Together, serve the people and let them taste the love of God. Your awards and rewards are already sealed and are waiting to be paid when our Lord Jesus sits on His throne! If you need further details, kindly write to me to my E-mail address:- [email protected]
Rev. T. Arvind Mohan Dass,
Clergy at Gods Family Ministry
6 年Thats powerful,God bless you for these revelations.