The Greatest Acknowledgement
“The great deception!”
“The great falling away!”
“The greatest returning back into the Lord God Almighty, who always has been, is and shall always remain, “The One God!”
“Now has come out the truths of the deceptions in evilness, plot to hurt, harm, so many; bringing sorrow and suffering, sickness created by those who desire to follow after their own godliness, and lusts for power and fame of man!”
“Now do they continue, their leader is headless, faceless, they wear not any uniform, there is no rest for the wicked and their wickedness being poured out all over the world.”
“They are not physical, nor are they lead by human, the wickedness is truly spiritual evilness, being desired and followed by human people.”
“A Word provided for me, throughout my resting hours.”
“Do they, have they and have you become so blind of the evilness of such desires of these workers of abominations, that you question even your own salvation?”
“For in your first believing in Me, has the ways of this world and the very deceptions of the evil forces of working, become your observation and have you allowed yourselves to return to the very bondage of spiritual fear, in which I, Myself, so warned you of?”
“Have you grown weak in your faith, because you, yourself have allowed yourselves to become bewitched by the teachings of man and all that the natural realm had offered you? Exchanging your own true Salvation in My Son whom is I AM; for the foolishness and ways and teachings of man?”
“Now shall all the hidden and secret evilness and hateful ways of the ones who believe themselves to be rich, because of and within the very riches offered them by the same foil and evil forces which temped Me, upon the earth, now has become revealed in the openness!”
“Yet, continues the, “Just as in the days of Noah!”
“You know it, because My Spirit tells you of such, yet, what do you, yourself do about it?”
“For even these of evil workings and performances, know that I have already rejected all of their offerings as man, from man!”
“So are you capable within Me to reject the very same offerings, or again I ask you, have you become so bewitched by the fears of man and their offerings; that you have become followers of man, over My Own?”
“Have you allowed yourself to listen to and to believe the lies and wicked ways and teachings of man’s own agendas?”
“Believing them to be true, yet rejecting your own responsibility of seeking at all times My Kingdom and My Righteousness that I ensured available for all mankind?”
“Seeking not as man does, but as My Spirit calls out your name, in the stillness of your own aloneness.”
“Yet I have provided for each a time remaining within time created by Me, for you to reject the very ways of the evilness of man’s acceptances; to repent and to humble yourselves before Me! I have promised and I perform all that I have so promised!”
“Wake up and rise up!”
“For if you will have faith, “return to faith;” “Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God!”
“I have not left nor have I not continued as I AM!”
“My desire remains for “ALL” whom I have called by name and even named before you were ever born!”
“Wake up and rise up!”
“These are truly the days of Elijah and these are the days for “ALL” called by name to God, from God; to wake up and to rise up!”
“Oh my soul, don’t become shameful any longer; oh, my heart rejoice in the Lord “Always.”
“Not in thought alone, but in all things in all areas and within everywhere I am and everywhere go!”
“I declares openly and out loudly!”
“Yes, Lord I hear Your Voice and I shall obey; not as lead by fear of man, but only and always by Your sword of Your Word!”
“As I abide in You, knowing that You, shall and are with me, everywhere, and always, no matter where I go; that You truly remain within me, all of the days of my life, already and forevermore.”