The Great World Reset and Transformation

The Great World Reset and Transformation

Elites and Oligarchs are planning a great world reset and political transformation at the annual Davos, Switzerland economic forums.

Most folks are of the opinion that their lives and the lives of their families are carried out by their own will, actions, plans, and strategies. They also believe that they have a say in governance through their votes as participants in the representative government in the U.S.

What happens when folks wake up to the fact that their plans and realities are controlled and manipulated by wealthy elites and oligarchs from around the world. What happens when folks realize that they are pawns in a much larger economic world system?

Each year there is a world-wide forum in Davos, Switzerland for planning world governance, economic and political control, and on gaining power and influence over all others. The central recurring agenda is to create a new world order which they refer to as “The Great World Reset,” and “Transformation.”

What does it cost to join this elite world economic club and be a participant in these activities?

  1. $52,000 for an annual membership fee for per each person who decides to become a member or pays for attendance.
  2. $19,000 fee for each individual person to attend the economic forum.
  3. Housing will cost 7000 Swiss francs ($7,646) per night ($53,522 per week) for a rustic-looking luxuriously fitted five-room house, or $140,000 for the week in a Swiss chalet.
  4. $50 for each hotdog and correspondingly expensive food and booze.
  5. $137,000 annual membership if you upgrade to an “industry associate” status or $267,000 per couple.
  6. $263,000 annual membership If you upgrade to an” industry partner” status or $570,000 per couple.
  7. $100,000 plus for the cost of flying on a private jet.
  8. $3,700 to take a helicopter from the airport to your hotel or close a destination.
  9. Be prepared to spend “millions of dollars” on annual economically elite memberships, fees, participant meetings, lodging, food and booze, and transportation, if you bring a small group of 4 or 5 persons.

Strategic planning at the Davos conferences by the world’s most powerful billionaires and oligarchs has not gone unnoticed. Many participants belong to a group of economic and political elites with an agenda to form a new world order dominated by a Marxist/Socialist governance. Of course, the outcome of any future reset will be manipulated to their financial benefits. You can better believe that these powerful elites expect a financial return on their investment of time and money.

Let us start with a few facts:

  1. Plans by globalist were designed to convince the world population of the need for an immediate “The Global Great Reset,” or “Transformation.”
  2. The United States is standing in their way and objecting to being taken over by a Marxist/Socialist international cartel.
  3. The COVID pandemic was structured and used as a convenient disruption like a divine miracle. COVID provided the golden opportunity needed to shut down world economies and move toward a planned reset.
  4. The COVID pandemic was used to create international societal fear and control over the citizens of each nation state.
  5. This crisis was needed as an excuse to expand all government sizes, increased regulations, and onerous intrusions into personal lives. At the same time, the crisis served as an excuse to diminish all individual freedoms and power from the populous.
  6. Individualism has been systematically replaced with collectivism, all with a well pre-planned and well thought out strategy.
  7. Because of social, economic, and disruptions isolating individuals, families, and closing businesses, the populous have agreed to submit without understanding that expanded government control is intended to become a new form of global collective socialism.
  8. For those of us who believe in individual accountability, self-sufficiency, family, primary national language, borders, and culture, the newly radically transformed system will indeed be terrifying.
  9. The individual will no longer be sovereign, but part of a new collectivist system, monitored for compliance, punished for non-compliance, taxed, surveilled, and forced into obedience.

For decades, progressives have attempted to implement “The Great World Reset,” or “Transformation,” by using global warming and climate change as a tool and reason for the reset. This reset has been designed to replace traditional capitalism and transfer the sovereignty of the U.S. to a group of high-profile elite oligarchs through a new world governing body. The outcome is about adopting and implementing more Marxist/Socialistic policies. The strategy is to transfer and consolidate power to a centralized world organization and is designed to require the U.S. to become a subordinate partner. There are trillions of dollars of profits for the elites, oligarchs, and promoters of this newly transformed government system.

You may want to take the time to review the following YouTube documentary for more foundational proof that a global reset is in motion.

The objective is to create an elaborate collection of socialist and progressive rules which includes increased taxation, some form of a new green deal or global warming initiative, dramatically increasing number of and power of the administrative class of public employee bureaucrats which are labor union driven, and replacing private ownership of automobiles containing internal combustion engines with electric autos.

The real purpose is to limit public mobility. Electric cars will not travel more than 200 to 300 miles between charges if you can find a charging station and are willing to wait hours for your turn. The end objective is to replace individual auto ownership and to install public transportation systems operated by labor union bureaucrats. They will seek to control where you go, who you see, and the purpose of the visit.

I will attempt to explain our U.S. monetary system, our position as world reserve currency status holder, and how we could lose it all. I will attempt to give a brief historical background and timeline of our banking system and how it has expanded in the U.S. and around the world.

In 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, allowing an otherwise privately owned cartel of banks to become the central banking system for the entire United States. This gave 12 privately owned Federal Reserve banks the right to print money on behalf of the U.S. The purpose was to provide a safe, flexible, stable monetary and financial system. Also, printing additional money was for the purpose of economic stability and to eliminate the threat of the bank runs that characterized the Panic of 1907. The overall objective was to foster a sound banking system and promote a financially healthy economy.

The privately owned federal reserve member banks were chosen by an earlier event when a group of 13 of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the U.S. met for a one-day secret meeting on Jekyll Island, off the Atlantic coast in Georgia. The expressed purpose was to create a secret membership cartel that would drive all non-member banks out of business throughout the U.S. The meeting date was November 20, 1910. Their agenda was to provide a mechanism for inter-bank lending to each other to insure against bank runs, and the ability to invest at higher leverages with higher yields. Their plan was to have a backstop to borrower money from a member of the cartel if needed. This was essentially a plan to cause non-member banks to become insolvent, destroying the competition because non-member banks would not have the flexibility of borrowing.

Today these Federal Reserve banks are given tremendous power and receive preferential treatment by creating/making money at extremely high financial leverage positions and profiting from this system. Of course, it was planned out that profits would be kept for the banks, but losses would be dumped on the public. The Federal Reserve Banks are a privately owned cartel that have monopoly power and delegated central planning authority.

These banks may take incredibly high risk and make high leveraged investments.   If they lose, they are bailed out by the Federal Reserve and the public loses again. The Federal Reserve will instruct the issuance of newly created fiat currency or money for these bailouts. Remember that they have a monopoly status to do this. Every dollar of newly created fiat currency becomes future debt, with any losses transferred to the taxpayers.

Only 20% of top taxpayers pay more than 83% of the taxes, of which debt burden is ever growing and ever present.  For every new dollar created by the federal reserve, there is a corresponding new dollar of debt that is then owed by the taxpayers. The process of the Federal Reserve injecting new currency into the system has been responsible for creating a systematic erosion of the purchasing power of the dollar. The process is referred to as debasement of the dollar. The lowest socio-economic subsets of the population are harmed the most. Since the beginning of 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created until now in 2020, inflation has risen approximately 2,506%

This systematic exploitation of the U.S. population has and will continue to decimate the middle and lower classes in the United States, primarily the bottom economic 50% who pay 3% of the taxes.

An inflation calculation is used to create the official US Consumer Price Index.

Refer to the Consumer Price Index:

If we calculate the average annualized rate of inflation from 1913 until 2020, we get 3.09%. In some decade’s inflation was much greater, and in a couple it was less. Prices doubled every 20 years. Note that 10 decades represents 5 times doubling. $10.00 doubled 5 times would mean 10 X 2=20 X 5= 100. This calculation assumes a fixed and static value and not compounded or cumulative.

The real inflation rate is calculated not only with a cumulative effect but also with a compounding cumulative effect. Just as compound interest can multiply your savings and/or investment income over many years, inflation works the same way. The real compound cumulative inflation rate from 1913 to 2020 is 2,506%. You would be required to spend $2,506 dollars for the same basket of goods and services that could be purchased for $1.00 in 1913. Most folks are stunned or refuse to believe this.

Some product prices have gone up more and some less. Bread is up 2439%, milk 890% per gallon, coffee up 1875% per pound, potatoes up by 3819%, while eggs are up by only 418% per dozen. Also, technology and increased productivity have had an averaging effect. I remember when a king-sized Coke was 5 cents, a large Snickers bar was 5 cents, and a gallon of gas was 15.9 cents. My childhood occupation was to collect Coke bottles and get 2 cents back when you turned them in for reimbursement. 24 returned bottles were enough to eat a meal, get a drink and recreate for an entire day. And later, when I was in college in 1967, I purchased a brand-new red Volkswagen with extras for $2,007.

1913 households usually had a single wage earner with a family, including wife and kids at home. Today the cost of living, compulsory taxation and overburdening regulations usually require both spouses to work outside the home in income generating enterprises. Lower-and middle-class homes are full of occupants who are stressed out trying to keep up with this financial and regulatory treadmill. 1 in 3 wage earners runs out of money before each payday. There remain days left in the month at “the end of the money.” Many are working full time and paying 50% or more of their wages for housing alone.

What is the history of how the U.S. currency becomes the world reserve currency? Our country holds a large amount of currency on deposit by the U.S. Central bank and large regulated financial institutions which is intended to be used for investments, international trading transactions, and settlements of international debt obligations. Our status serves to influence/affect the domestic exchange rate with currencies from other countries. Our status as the world’s reserve currency was created by a combination of prior agreements dating back to the Bretton Woods Accord in 1944 and the continuing strength of the dollar.

Historically, countries who become the holder of the primary world reserve currency status at an international level may be negotiated, be shared by multiple countries with other top competing currencies or replaced entirely with a new and different system. A replacement reserve currency status holder is what is attempting to accomplish now.

In 1944, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. There were delegates from forty-four nations and that meeting resulted in the creation of a new international monetary system known as the “Bretton Woods System.”

At the same meeting, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created as an international banking organization. This allowed for the establishment of an international currency system which was operated by participant members and gave them special drawing rights (SPRs) allowing them to borrow from the fund. This process is like how U.S. regulated lenders borrow from Federal Reserve Banks. The SDRs basket of valuations is made by predetermined formulas from currencies including the U.S. Dollar, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and Pound Sterling. These are fixed numbers of currency valuations or units of valuations that are contributed by each member and are reevaluated each 5 years period.

The IMF was originally established with members from 29 participating global countries who attended the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. Today, its participants have grown to about 183 countries.

The IMF was created to become an important source of financial aid for developing nations. The goals were to provide financial resources to create a path to stable, sustainable, and equitable growth to lift countries out of a poverty. The World Bank was created and still is an independent organization of the United Nations. The U.S. has gained tremendous influence on its operation and success.

How did the U.S. attain the status of the world reserve currency holder? At the Bretton Woods Conference the U.S. negotiated that the dollar would become the world reserve currency standard because the U.S. agreed the dollar valuation would be backed by hard asset gold. In 1944 the U.S. had 65% of the worlds’ supply of hard asset gold which was pegged at $35 per ounce. The U.S. negotiated the anchor status because it guaranteed to other central banks that it could sell its gold reserves for settlement purposes. Many conflicts arose between the economic interests of short-term domestic objectives and long-term international objectives.

Today, there are major efforts from financial stakeholders around the world that want the U.S. to lose its status as a world reserve currency holder. This drive forward toward replacement of the world currency status holder has been a reoccurring discussion planned at each of the annual Davos Forums.

A new international currency standard or reserve currency holder if implemented in the future will be negotiated between stakeholder participants. There will be conflicts because of variable valuations, power, and desired preference. Most likely the new currency would be referred to as “economic units of value.”

Why are the threats against the U.S. losing the reserve currency status so great? Three major reasons are:

  1. In 1972, President Richard Nixon unilaterally canceled the gold standard conversion option. This meant that all future transactions backed by or pegged to the dollar would be no longer backed by gold, but only by the full faith and credit of the US Government. At that point, the “Bretton Woods System” effectively fell apart.
  2. The second reason was and continues to be that the U.S. has spent more than it took in taxation. The U.S. has historically financed its deficit spending by continually issuing new debt instruments and have international financial participants either be willing or not so willingly forced to purchase it.
  3. Other countries have effectively been forced to finance U.S. deficit spending binge and remain quiet about excesses and wastefulness. This is a symbiotic exploitation between the U.S. and participant countries.
  4. Reliability that other countries will continue to finance our debt binges has come to an end. There is a perception that U.S. politics, its economy, and financial strength are no longer stable.

Plans have been proposed at the annual Davos Conferences to diminish the sovereign power of the U.S. as the world’s reserve currency status holder. They want it to roll our monetary system into the International Monetary Fund (IMS) and require the U.S. to become a subordinate member.

Having the U.S. currency as the world reserve currency which is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government has become problematic. We are essentially an insolvent and bankrupt country with outstanding public obligations including direct debt on the books fast approaching $40 trillion and off-balance sheet future obligations of $220 trillion dollars for unfunded social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and public employee pensions and benefits over the next 20 to 30 years.

A new international currency which replaces our reserve currency would be backed by the full faith and credit of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF is an insolvent international and bankrupt organization which creates fiat currency the same way that most developed countries do currently.  Newly minted money is merely printed on computers out of fiat. It becomes an asset of the IMF and is spent or loaned out to members quickly. There is a corresponding future debt to be paid back by participating global countries. This is nothing more than a sophisticated Ponzi scheme.

The great reset would replace the U.S. banking system which is now considered the Federal Reserve System of banks with a new world order currency leader led by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The U.S. as well as other countries will become a participating member having special drawing rights (SDRs) against the fund. The Ponzi would be transferred from a national level of insolvency to an international and global level of the same making. The new world order is already insolvent based upon creation of too much debt by the industrialized participant countries.

The big deal here is the U.S. currency will no longer be the world’s reserve currency. The value of the dollar would go down by 30 to 50% in short order. Inflation would skyrocket as it will in other participating countries all over the world. Chasing a debt driven world order can only be controlled by inflation and debasement of the value of both ours and international currencies.

The new global financial reset is also designed to eliminate paper money (cash) and its replacement will be a digital or online payment system for all goods, services, and exchanges between financial intermediaries. Government control and knowledge of all individual payment transitions will become instant. The safety, financial freedoms and flexibility of cash transactions will be eliminated. The IMF would have the ability to inject unlimited new digital currency into the system. This would dramatically accelerate the decrease in the purchasing power of our U.S currency.

The U.S. currently takes in about $3.5 trillion in taxation from the public and will spend roughly 6 to 10 trillion on all government programs, welfare for large crony capitalist corporations including too big to fail Wall Street Banks, welfare and social services, military, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and debt service on the books including accrued direct debt. That means that the government will create new debt instruments of between 3 and 10 trillion annually. These new debt instruments create assets in the form of cash which the government will spend immediately.   On the books public debt has compounded to approximately $30-40 plus trillion of direct debt. This debt is expected to be paid back by the US taxpayers. Additionally, the U.S. has off-balance-sheet accrued debt obligations including under-funded pension and benefit obligations, Medicare, Medicaid, and other unfunded financial obligations of approximately 220 trillion. All the above direct debt and accumulated unfunded future obligations are accelerating at an alarming rate.

The world financial participants are getting tired of being forced to use the dollar to complete business transactions and settle their obligations. Transactions from all over the world must be settled by adjusting their currency value to that of the US dollar. They cannot wait to get rid of the dollar and replace it with a combination of IMF reserve status and digital currencies.

At the 2018 (Jan 26th) Davos conference President Donald Trump gave a speech that rocked the world. Here is the full text:

  1. “We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country, or eradicate our liberty. America will always be the proud, strong, and unyielding bastion of freedom.”
  2. “In America, we understand what the pessimists refuse to see: that a growing and vibrant market economy focused on the future lifts the human spirit and excites creativity strong enough to overcome any challenge — any challenge by far.”

Some liberals and progressives stated that the speech by President Donald Trump was?

  1. “greeted with a shrug.”
  2. “lacks the aura or the respect.”
  3. “campaign speech.”
  4. “you can’t ignore him but it’s nothing people really talk about.”

The reality is that most of the world’s globalist elites and international oligarchs are hellbent on destroying our U.S. personal freedom and capitalist system and replacing it with global a Marxist/Socialist government. Many of these world elites such as George Soros are funding civil-disobedience, riots, systematic arson, including property destruction. They are allies with groups like Marxist/Socialist Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They are all working overtime to destroy this country and advance forward “The Great World Reset.”

This is what the entire 2020 election is all about. One party wants to advance “The Great World Reset,” and “Transformation,” and the other party wants to stop it entirely and permanently.

Dan Harkey

Business and Private Money Finance Consultant

Cell 949 533 8315

[email protected]

This article is intended for educational purposes only and is not a solicitation.

? Dan Harkey and, 2020. I strictly prohibit unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner. Excerpts and links to the articles may be used in your marketing efforts, provided that full credit is given to Dan Harkey and with appropriate and a specific direction to the original content. The credit displayed when you forward an article must include Dan Harkey, Business & Finance consultant. You may not change the content or the title of the article.


