A Great Way To Spend A Day
Part I of II: I?was recently invited to attend the last day of a 2-day seminar.? I left impressed, informed, inspired and feel to share some of what I learned.
The seminar was presented by Chris Cornelison, R.Ph. ?He is the former owner of three pharmacies in Mississippi. He is now the founder and CEO of a remarkable company called, Solutions Rx.? Many of you will have seen his sprightly written Tuesday Tip emails. In these emails he shares tips on how pharmacy owners can more profitably manage their pharmacies. ??
The two-day program was much more than a product demonstration and sales training event.? Cornelison is on a mission to help pharmacy owners transform their pharmacies into what he calls, A Profit Machine.? And, according to the things I learned on the day I attended he says the place to start is not with product, but with Culture!?
Cornelison and I both believe the most important job of a pharmacy owner, or any leader for that matter, is to “set the tone” for the business, or establish the company’s culture.? I missed the first day where he goes into detail on the subject which he calls, Super Culture.? But, from looking at the work book and seeing the role play exercises the attendees participated in on day two it is clear the program is focused on finding cost effective ways to get team members understand the true purpose of the pharmacy.? That being; to deal with problems in a positive way and treat customers with dignity and genuine concern.? The words compassion, inform, choice and the importance of treating patients and team members with courtesy came up a lot.? ?
But don’t misunderstand.? This was not some sort of Boy Scout “Cumbia Seminar” where everyone is just trying to get along.? The true focus of the seminar is to show pharmacy owners and personnel how to generate significantly more profit for the pharmacy.? And I do mean significant.? At the end of the second day the participants took the tips, tactics and techniques they had learned and built a plan to improve their store’s gross profits by $200,000.?
More on how that could happen in Part II.? But, for now know that the plan is built on three legs, improving sales in OTC, compounding and vaccinations.? What was really cool to see was six staff members from the same company enthusiastically discussing how the things they had just learned could be actually be implemented.?
You can get more information on Solutions Rx at: solutionsrx.com
Here’s hoping something I have shared here
will help you do more and be better.?
20+ years varied retail leadership experience.
1 年Yes ??! Culture is 100% the key to successful growth.