The 2016 election in the US is the culmination of too many years of Reality TV, growing, evolving, pushing limits until its culmination with a surprise ending this November. Everyone has tuned in. Rating are at an impossible all-time high. It’s an international success. It’s a circus-tailgate party gone viral.
There is someone specific to blame for this chaos. George III (George William Frederick). The colonies were a reasonably ordered collection of civilized well-mannered folk until George gave them reason to revolt. The revolution continues.
One only has to look at the leadership model envisioned in the Hunger Games movies to see where we are headed. George Orwell misnamed his book 1984. The title should have read 2024.
The future is now, and much like the Hunger Games movies, it will be played out on TV and in Social Media. Ancient Rome did not have the monopoly on this coliseum based model. Emperor Trump, thumbs up occasionally, but mostly thumbs down evoking the spirits of Caesar, Nero and Stalin to the cheering out of control masses.
The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall pale in comparison to what’s coming. “All in all we’re just another brick in the wall” Empires come and empires fall. Future historians will see this as a turning point in the American Empire. The peak before the decline.
If Trump is elected President of the American Empire, it will hardly be precedent setting. One only has to look at 1930”s Germany as a recent example. Whip the masses into an irrational frenzy, rise to power, turn on those who elected you and slowly decline into ruin.
Cheer up! This is just the honeymoon stage of Americas reality soap opera. With the world in economic, environmental and security decline we need something to distract us. Enjoy.